All of the articles in the last newsletter had terrific and pertinent information! They were all deeply helpful and insightful. I don’t know how many owners and animals I have recently helped with issues, based on what I learned in the newsletter. Thank you!  ~Kathy M.

This section of the website features newsletter content from Audre Gutierrez’ Essential Thoughts periodic e-news offerings. Each Essential Thought includes an educational focus on an essential oil or family of oils, or a topic, with information about oils that relate to that topic. Essential Thoughts can also contain announcements of new oils in the Wisdom of the Earth portfolio, news related to the company, and upcoming offerings such as classes, special events, and special product announcements. Enjoy! Your comments are always welcome!

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Tapping The Power Of Symbolism

By Audre Gutierrez | July 22, 2018 |

Tapping The Power Of Symbolism The Power of Symbolism Are there certain shapes, words or images that you are drawn to or that have special meaning for you? Since ancient times, humans have possessed objects or created images to represent something in nature or from their experience that they felt brought them good luck, protected…

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