Area Iowa

The magic of Medicinal Aromatherapy interweaves with Patricia’s assemblage of trainings and certifications. She offers both remote and in-person energy healing sessions. Essential oil essences weave into in-person healing sessions. Moreover, working with the power of the Plant Devas can happen in distance healing when the Receivers of energy work anoint themselves. Patricia is always well-anointed prior to a session, including the unique style session she calls Crone-sultation.
As Crone, Patricia incorporates energy work, coaching, and her body’s ability to feel what is happening in the Receiver’s body, even when the Receiver is unaware of the feeling. The framework of a session is flexible and allows for guidance from a Higher Power. No two sessions are the same.
A specialty session is Crone-sultation, either in-person or on the phone. Patricia listens to whatever Life on Life’s Terms in present-day reality is calling for attention. Following the clues of distress allows the untangling and unwinding of trauma responses. What arises in that process is the opportunity to release old, stuck energy and then refill that voided space with brightness.
Because of her 40 years of recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, Patricia is equipped to help Receivers deal with addiction issues. She guides the navigation of the phenomenon of addiction, including the impact of other people’s addictions. Because co-occuring mental health issues are often intertwined with addiction issues, Patricia is mindful of working with all conditions simultaneously.
Among her other special interests, Patricia is a certified Dreamwork facilitator. Whether one-on-one or in a group, a very specific format is followed to glean the powerful guidance of Dreams. To read more information on Patricia’s offerings, go to To set up a chat with Patricia about how you might benefit from working with her, text 603-498-9160 or send an e-mail to [email protected].