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Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Level 2 Certification |
Area Arizona
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Masumi is a Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aroma Therapist/Teacher. She owns and runs a Bed & Breakfast, Sedona Bear Lodge, in West Sedona with her husband.
She has set up a Wisdom of the Earth medicine cabinet full of essences available for their general guests. Per request, she will give guests a free short consultation and have them experience the power of essences, and introduce them to the wisdom that plants and tree can offer. She helps organizers/facilitators to hold their retreats and workshops at Sedona Bear Lodge supporting people on their transformation.
Masumi opens the door to more people in natural ways, and inform them that there are greater holistic ways to keep their body and mind healthy rather than the unknowing chemical products on the market. Her goal is to have the WOTE essences take root in general, and into ordinary household.
大島真澄 〜 マスター・ディストリビューター/ティーチャー。セドナで、夫とともにセドナ・ベア・ロッジを経営。ウィズダム・オブ・ジ・アース(WOTE)のエッセンス棚を宿泊のお客様に開放し、ご希望に応じてコンサルテーションも行っている。エッセンスを取り入れたリトリートやワークショップの企画をサポート。自らもレベル1のクラスやワークショップを行っている。なるべく自然の形で、たくさんの人にWOTEのエッセンスのパワーと素晴らしさを伝え、一般家庭に浸透させたいと考える現実派。

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Arizona
[email protected]
Kathy is a Level 1 certified teacher with experience teaching aromatherapy for 26 years and 35 years in the Holistic field. Also, she is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
She is inspired by the loving approach of Barry, Cynthia, and Audrey to aromatherapy. Kathy graduated from Mueller College of Holistic Studies as a Holistic Health Practitioner and obtained an AS Degree in Holistic Studies from the International Professional School of Bodywork. She is a certified aromatherapist from the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Oregon.
She appeared on a San Diego television talk show to speak on the Practical Uses of Aromatherapy. Kathy has a private practice integrating Wisdom of the Earth’s essences with Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Energy work, Healing Touch, Cranial Sacral, and biofeedback technology.
Kathy deeply connects with Mother Earth, the plant, tree, and crystal kingdom. The love she feels from the plants, trees, and Mother Earth inspired her to share their love and wisdom. Her clients feel and understand how the energy of love and the essences change their life.
Larry was introduced to essential oils back in the 1990s. In his life, he was exposed to many toxic and hazardous materials such as heavy metals, Agent Orange, radiation, parasites, solvents, and chemicals. In hindsight, he believes people are poisoned rather than ill. He changed his diet and his body slowly detoxified. Larry used essential oils and plant-based supplements to heal himself.
The essential oils from Wisdom of the Earth were necessary to reduce pain, stop intense itching, remove fungus from his lungs and sinus, regrow his left great toe, and more to help his body come back into balance. Larry speaks from experience; thankfully, the wide variety of oils from Wisdom of the Earth provided many healing solutions.
Larry has a bachelor of elective studies from the University of Minnesota. He worked around the world as a technical information security manager. He became a teacher for Wisdom of the Earth oils because the classes were amazing. Today, his life is a spiritual journey.

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Montana
[email protected]
Velvet is a WOTE Master Distributor and soon to be Level 1 Teacher with over two decades of experience in working with the Plant People. As a single mother of a child born with immune system issues, Velvet sought ways to help her daughter be healthy first through the Plant Kingdom.
Way before there was internet, Velvet did a home study course for herbalism and changed her relationship with food in order to support her daughter. Her first experience in understanding that plants are conscious beings was during a course with renowned Plant Medicine practitioner, Stephan Buhner.
This course opened her heart, her mind and her consciousness to the fact that plants are here to help in a very loving and supportive way. Then in 2001 she became a reflexologist and started working with essential oils to further facilitate wholeness and wellbeing. She didn’t begin working with WOTE Plant Essences until 2009 when one of the company’s employees wandered into her metaphysical rock shop. But she was so taken with the way WOTE worked with the essences that she dreamed for years of studying with Barry.
While she was waiting for the right time to take the plunge, she studied several modalities (Body Talk, Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Training and Plant Spirit Medicine with Eliot Cowan) and created a few of her own to further the healing of her clients on a physical, mental and emotional level. Finally, in 2013 she took the level 1 medicinal aromatherapy certification course and in 2018 manifested her dream of studying with Barry, Cynthia & Audre. She uses WOTE Plant Essences in the meditations she facilitates, in her reflexology & akashic record sessions as well as private consultation sessions and Divine Blue Print Restoration, Activation and Upgrade session.

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Massachusetts
[email protected]
Judi is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) who is currently working in the medical field as an Oncology Social Worker. She recently completed certification as an Oncology Social Worker (OSW-C) and works at the DM Cancer Center.
With over 20-years of experience in the field of Adult Education and Workforce training, Judi has assisted in the development of education and workplace training programs for a number of community colleges and businesses in Massachusetts.
The plant and animal kingdoms have always been very important to Judi because of the healing energy that is shared between all of these species. As a WOTE Medicinal Aromatherapist and teacher, Judi has been able to integrate the knowledge she has gained about essential oils into her energy work.
When Judi worked for hospice, she used the skills that she learned in the Reiki Master training program to teach hospice volunteers in Levels One and Two Reiki. The volunteers were then able to provide Reiki to hospice patients and their families.
Judi has completed the Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness Training Program for clinicians and is also trained in TM. Judi shares her passion for integrative therapies in the interventions that she provides to her clients. In addition to her certification as a Level Two Aromatherapist and Reiki Master, Judi is also certified as a yoga instructor, Chair Yoga instructor and Restorative Yoga Instructor.
After completing a course in the power of the Breath, Judi now shares a variety of breath work protocols with her clients. Judi encourages her clients to develop their own tool box of various techniques that they may access when faced with issues of stress, depression and anxiety. Judi presently lives on Cape Cod with her husband and her new puppy, Brewster.