Masumi Oshima

(310) 308-3100EMAIL:
[email protected]
Masumi is a Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aroma Therapist/Teacher. She owns and runs a Bed & Breakfast, Sedona Bear Lodge, in West Sedona with her husband.
She has set up a Wisdom of the Earth medicine cabinet full of essences available for their general guests. Per request, she will give guests a free short consultation and have them experience the power of essences, and introduce them to the wisdom that plants and tree can offer. She helps organizers/facilitators to hold their retreats and workshops at Sedona Bear Lodge supporting people on their transformation.
Masumi opens the door to more people in natural ways, and inform them that there are greater holistic ways to keep their body and mind healthy rather than the unknowing chemical products on the market. Her goal is to have the WOTE essences take root in general, and into ordinary household.
大島真澄 〜 マスター・ディストリビューター/ティーチャー。セドナで、夫とともにセドナ・ベア・ロッジを経営。ウィズダム・オブ・ジ・アース(WOTE)のエッセンス棚を宿泊のお客様に開放し、ご希望に応じてコンサルテーションも行っている。エッセンスを取り入れたリトリートやワークショップの企画をサポート。自らもレベル1のクラスやワークショップを行っている。なるべく自然の形で、たくさんの人にWOTEのエッセンスのパワーと素晴らしさを伝え、一般家庭に浸透させたいと考える現実派。