Let The Truth Of Who You Are Be The Foundation Of Self-Care

Let The Truth Of Who You Are Be The Foundation Of Self-Care Self-Care Requires Self-Understanding…Some Tips to Enhance Personal Well-being Looking Inside for the Key to Self-Care The words “self-care” seem to appear in almost everything I see in my “inbox”, on TV, in publications,  podcasts…you name it.  It is understandable, with the turmoil, loss,…

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Get To Know Us! Introducing Two New Hydrolats And Bringing Back Lavandin Abrialis!

Get To Know Us! Introducing Two New Hydrolats And Bringing Back Lavandin Abrialis! Get to know us!  Introducing Laurel Leaf and Rosemary verbenone, two new hydrolats, and welcoming back an old favorite…Lavandin abrialis essential oil. New/Returning Offerings at WOTE We are expanding our line of hydrolats!  These beautiful products have become increasingly popular…they are great…

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Limited Time Offer On Wisdom Of The Earth Products That Mom Will Love!

Limited Time Offer On Wisdom Of The Earth Products That Mom Will Love! Celebrate Motherhood with beautiful products from Mother Earth Herself…natural, powerful, and hand-poured with love. Every year, many of our customers purchase oils or hydrolats that are their Mom’s favorite for Mother’s Day.  We have many oils that are chosen time and time…

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Sharing Research On Essential Oils And Radiation

Sharing Research On Essential Oils And Radiation What we know about the plant kingdom and radiation protection Last evening’s news about the vulnerability of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities gave rise to a number of emails and texts asking me  about oils that can protect from radiation exposure or treat radiation exposure.  There is a body of…

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