The Powerful Effect Of Color Of Essential Oils

Use The Powerful Effect Of Color When Choosing Essential Oils A Lesson From Nature…The Healing Power of Color My Facebook feed is awash in gorgeous photos of Fall Color being shared with family and friends.  The “ohs” and “aahs” in the resulting comments affirm that we are uplifted and moved emotionally and energetically by viewing the glory…

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Sharing Research On Essential Oils And Radiation

Sharing Research On Essential Oils And Radiation What we know about the plant kingdom and radiation protection Last evening’s news about the vulnerability of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities gave rise to a number of emails and texts asking me  about oils that can protect from radiation exposure or treat radiation exposure.  There is a body of…

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Heaven Scent … Archangel AromaKit

Fifteen 2 ml Essences & Fabric Holder The angelic realm assists us in connecting to Spirit and stands ready to help humans clarify their soul purpose and unique gifts.  When we call in the angels, we are requesting their guidance and assistance with life’s challenges and opportunities.  We are also signaling our willingness to listen…

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Manifest! AromaKit

Create the life you want to live – realize your potential and be the grandest version of who you really are.  These essences support you in clarifying and achieving your life’s purpose, manifesting that which you desire.  They call forth the support and guidance of the Universe.  Begin with all fifteen, or choose essences according…

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