The Blossoming Heart Deck by Robbi Zeck, N.D.






The Blossoming Heart  Deck, is a compliment to the engaging and informative book, written by Robbi Zeck ND. These beautiful cards are a fun invitation for us to engage in conversations around plant essences and ,of course, deepen our connection to the plant kingdom!


About The Book…

The Blossoming Heart leads readers on a journey of self-discovery, highlighting the use of essential oils, together with the power of imagery, relaxation techniques, meditation, and reflective questions as tools for personal change and exploration.  As the author explains in the initial chapter, “All plant-based remedies have the potential to initiate an awakening of the soul.  They remind us of our journey, rekindle our passion, and dynamically activate the flowering of the heart.”



Additional information

Weight 1.1 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 × 3.5 × 3.5 in