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Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Pennsylvania
Siddiqa Salter has been a practicing full-time Aromatherapist since 2000. She lives, eats and breathes essential oils and has helped thousands of people heal naturally. It is her mission to empower people through the use of pure, single ingredient, consciously farmed and produced essences. She blends decades of study and real-life, client success stories with her own in-depth understanding of connecting with the Soul of the plant or tree essence. Through right relationship of human heart to plant consciousness, miracles can and do occur!
In her private healing practice, she sees clients for one-on-one transformational healing sessions using Wisdom of the Earth essential oils, Spiritual Psychology, Spiritual Body Work, & most importantly – the application of Loving. Siddiqa teaches classes in Medicinal Aromatherapy, offers monthly Full Moon Meditations, Personal Growth Programs & is a Spiritual Adviser &Light Practitioner. She is also the Director and Founder of The Institute of Loving which offers a life-changing 7-month program is self discovery & accessing higher levels of Loving. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Spiritual Psychology, Consciousness, Health & Healing from the University of Santa Monica in Los Angeles, CA & is a dedicated practitioner of personal Truth &remembering the Divine One that dwells within.

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Japan
[email protected]WEBSITE:
Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aromatherapist, Certified Rolfer, Quantum wave master healer(Certified by Ken Kobayashi), I provide Rolfing session and Quantum wave healing with WOTE essences at my work place Tokyo (Ginza) and Fukuoka city.
Those sessions lead you to awake and transformation of your body , mind and spirit. I used to live in Denver, CO for 3 years. English session is available .I do level one class all over in Japan and US (Level 1 class is only Japanese)
佐野 敬子(サノヒロコ)ティーチャー/マスターディストリビューター、メディシナルアロマセラピスト、米国Rolf institute 公式認定ロルファー、小林健認定量子波マスターヒーラー、東京と福岡で、体をもう一度作り直すロルフィングのセッション、量子波ヒーリングセッション(ウィズダムオブジアースの精油を使用します)日本全国およびアメリカでの精油の体験ワークショップ、認定講座レベル1クラスを開催しています。3年間の在米経験を生かして、セドナ、コロラドへの少人数のリトリートも開催しています。東京銀座の予約制サロン”Ginza kanon 8819” では、たくさんの精油を試していただけます。レベル1のスケジュールおよびサロン場所はサロンホームページ をご覧ください。問い合わせは[email protected]までお願いします。

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Colorado
I always say that the earth saved me. In fact, I believe it can save just about anyone, no matter what they’re going through. Growing up in Aspen, Colorado surrounded by the mountains, I connected to the plants and trees from an early age and that interaction has carried me through some of the most challenging times in my life.
I know firsthand how aligning ourselves with our indigenous ways brings us into communion with the natural cycles, of which we are apart. Consciously connecting to the natural world around us provides insight and meaning to our lives, just as it did for our ancestors. We aren’t any different. We’ve just forgotten ourselves.
Helping others in a deep, meaningful way to use the earth and the sky to find themselves has always been my calling. Whether through communing with plant spirit medicine in spiritual aromatherapy, or through understanding themselves better and their Soul’s intent through Shamanic Astrology, I’ve been fortunate to make positive lasting impacts on my student’s lives.
Time and time again, I am amazed by the ways that connecting to nature and the cosmos can heal us and lead us to the path we came here to walk. It’s not always an easy or carefree journey, but when we understand the intent we can walk with consciousness and purpose knowing we’re doing exactly what we came here to do. That’s powerful!
By combining sacred aromatherapy with Shamanic Astrology, I help my students find their true purpose and live it – with an ancient and love-filled approach that makes them feel seen and validates their inner knowing – their Soul connection to themselves. I use my experience with the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms to teach my students how to find themselves, their paths and connect with their Soul’s original intent for coming here this lifetime from within.
By trade, I am a Certified Shamanic Astrologer, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Clinical Aromatherapist (CCA), Certified Nutritionist (CNC), and Clinical Herbalist (CCMH). I have worked in the holistic health field for over 20 years and came to the power of aromatherapy through a traditional naturopath with whom I apprenticed 10+ years ago. My practice is based in Aspen where I embody the local motto of mind, body spirit in my work with clients. I work with people locally and all over the world, as well as teach classes on sacred aromatherapy and Shamanic Astrology. Check out to learn more.
Sheridan talks about Wisdom of the Earth in this short video.

Deva is a Psychic Intuitive Channel, Yoga Therapist, Advanced Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aromatherapist and is currently studying to be a Doctor of Ayurveda at the California College of Ayurveda.
She leads trainings, conducts psychic/intuitive consults and is the co-founder of True Nature Healing Arts in Carbondale, CO. Deva’s deep connection to the metaphysical realm began in early childhood, but was deepened after her near death experience snowshoeing in the mountains near Vail, CO at the age of 25. Since this experience, Deva has explored many different modalities to support herself and others reconnecting to Spirit.
WOTE has supported Deva in opening up to the plant and tree medicine which has become a vital asset to her personal growth and to the service work she does with others. Deva supports her clients in engaging with essences to empower them on their personal healing journey.

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Arizona
(520) 275-1710EMAIL:
[email protected]WEBSITE:
Katie Shell is a Master Aromatherapist and Wisdom of the Earth Teacher. She is an intuitive healer and counselor. She practices evolutionary astrology, is a reiki master, dance/movement facilitator, and registered yoga teacher. Her passion comes from helping her students and clients listen to and love their bodies, unapologetically and unconditionally, while recognizing that we are all works in progress on a journey of growth. She believes our bodies, being from the Earth, are our road maps to understanding our time on this planet, and by listening to their messages and recognizing our patterns we can meet the challenges that arise before us. Her approach combines multiple modalities to create safe spaces to cut out the outside noise and bring you back to your most authentic self. Katie’s extensive experience and training, along with her intuitive abilities allow her to assist you on your personal path of exploration and evolution. She believes we can be very gentle with ourselves even when doing difficult work, simply by allowing the safe space for it to happen.
Katie offers workshops, consultations, treatment sessions, and intuitive counseling in person throughout the Phoenix area and remotely through Zoom. Her oil tester bar at her private Scottsdale studio has nearly the full Wisdom of the Earth oil collection and she invites any one who is interested to come for a complimentary “meet and greet” session. See workshop information, schedule appointments and find out more at, (520) 275.1710, [email protected]