Celebrating Our Connection to Nature and Each Other

“Why we need each other” Greetings from Wisdom of the Earth! This e-news explores our connection to the plant world, and how important it is to our health, development and happiness. It was inspired by a wonderful presentation I attended this weekend that discussed “Why we need each other” in this interconnected web of life. I…

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Celebrating Our Connection to Nature and Each Other

  “Why we need each other” Greetings from Wisdom of the Earth! This e-news explores our connection to the plant world, and how important it is to our health, development and happiness. It was inspired by a wonderful presentation I attended this weekend that discussed “Why we need each other” in this interconnected web of life.…

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Welcoming the Seasonal Shifts and Earth’s Breath

Greetings WOTE Family, We find ourselves, once again, in the mid-point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. During this in-between time, the flowers start to bloom releasing the energies of the plant devas skyward towards the sun.  Isn’t that a beautiful image?  With all the flurry of activity on the earth, many of us are experiencing spring allergies.…

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