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Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Arizona
[email protected]WEBSITE:
Iru is a Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aromatherapist, Ascended master’s chandler and healer, Author of a Japanese spiritual book.
Iru has lived in Sedona Arizona for over 10 years. She does healing/reading sessions and teaching in Sedona and Japan. Her classes are taught only in Japanese.
She is a member of All nations Native American Church. She has traveled around the world with many Native American Shamans. Iru has an unique style of ceremony which combines the Japanese and Native American’s sacred ways for wedding and many other Spiritual Celebrations.
The last few years, she has been on a pilgrimage in Japan , Europe and etc. She realized that WOTE essential Essences is a necessary item for her spiritual work.
Teacher/MD (マスターディストリビューター)〜 アイルグラハム セドナ在住日本人。メディシナルアロマセラピスト、アセンディッドマスター・チャネラー&ヒーラー。日本のスピリチュアル雑誌などへの記事や、本を執筆。10年以上に及びセドナに住む。セドナと日本で、日本語によるヒーリング&リーディングセッションをおこなうかたわら、ネイティブアメリカンチャーチ公認司祭者として、ネイティブアメリカンシャーマンたちと世界各国を巡礼したり、結婚式などの儀式をしている。最近は、独自でも、日本、ヨーロッパなどを巡礼している。WOTEのエッセンシャルエッセンスは、アイルにとって、スピリチュアルワークをする上での必需品となっている。

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Pennsylvania
(610) 642-8142.EMAIL:
[email protected]
Dr. Grinnell is s a licensed psychologist working with children, adolescents and adults in the Wynnewood PA area for the past 40 years. She is certified in EMDR and Bioenergetic Analysis, and has extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral therapy and Meditation.
She is also a music therapist and certified cancer support educator. She began studying aromatherapy with WOTE in 2008 and has been awed by the dimension of support and healing that plant essences bring. Dr. Grinnell integrates Aromatherapy with a heart-mind-body-spirit eclectic approach, and finds essential oils to be powerful aids in the journey of healing depression, anxiety, PTSD, communication and relationship challenges.
Throughout her four decades of healing work she has been a passionate student of natural medicine. She is grateful that she has been blessed to study with her teachers at Wisdom of the Earth, delve into the world of pure plant essences, and experience the physical, emotional and spiritual healing and transformation that they have brought into her life, the life of her friends, clients and colleagues. She is a Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aromatherapist.
Her life’s work has been to be a midwife for healing and wholeness. In her private practice she specializes in treating trauma, depression, anxiety, parenting and relationship problems. In the past several years she has observed he power of essential oils to facilitate and deepen the healing process as they offer incredible gifts in the journey to resolve past pain and find one’s authentic voice.

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area United Kingdom
[email protected].WEBSITE:
Kelsey Deanne Grubbs is an MD and Level 1 Teacher with Wisdom of the Earth and uses the essential oils in her practice as a Reiki Master, Medicinal Aromatherapist, Shamanic Healer, Sound Healer, and Anthropologist (Ph.D. Candidate at University of Edinburgh). She loves empowering others with tools to connect to their Divinity and live their purpose with joy and fun. Order essential oils, book a healing session, sign up for classes and workshops, or schedule a free 15-minuteconsultation with Kelsey through her website: or email: [email protected]. Check out her Instagram page (@kelseydeannelight) for short videos on WOTE oil properties and how to use them.

Teacher/Master Distributor
Classes Taught:
Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |
Area Connecticut
After years of personal study with several of the most respected experts in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and intensive courses in Beijing, China, beginning in 1995, Lisl earned the rare distinction of being certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) as a diplomate in Chinese Herbology – the highest accreditation an herbalist can receive in the US.
Lisl is intensely qualified to understand the nature of plant medicine in all its forms, and her vast personal interactions with thousands of patients has made her an expert in diagnosing patterns of imbalance according to a Traditional Chinese medical paradigm.
In 2008, Lisl completed advanced medicinal aromatherapy training in Sedona, AZ with Wisdom of the Earth’s Audre Gutierrez, Cynthia Olivera and Barry Kapp, and has been a teacher of the WOTE medicinal aromatherapy certification course since 2009. This life-changing class is well-known for fostering deep love, respect and connection to the Plants, Trees, and Mother Earth.
Lisl continues to develop her mastery of the elements through intensive spiritual practices and is respected as a High Priestess guiding neophytes through deep esoteric studies of Magick and The Mysteries.

[email protected]WEBSITE:
Teacher/MD〜Etsuko Itami〜 is a Wisdom of the earth Medicinal Aromatherapist, Medical Phytotherapist, Psychological Astrologer, Pharmacist
She provides workshops using Wisdom of the Earth essential oils, Phytotherapy classes and consultations, and Psychological astrology sessions in Kanagawa, Japan. She communicates how wonderful the living in harmony with plants, nature and the universe is to clients through WOTE essences, herbs, and astrology
Visit my Home page and Blog.
Home page:
Mail address: [email protected]
神奈川でWisdom of the Earthの精油を使ったワークショップ、フィトテラピー講座・コンサルテーション、心理占星術セッションを実施しています。Wisdom of the Earthのエッセンス、ハーブ、占星術を通じて、植物や、自然と宇宙を調和して自分を生きることの素晴らしさを人々に伝えています。
Home page:
Mail address: [email protected]