WOTE Level I Certification Course with Tresa Laferty
Class Level:
Friday 1-5, Sat/Sun 9-5
For those who have a serious interest, personal or professional, in medicinal aromatherapy for the facilitation of healing — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Tresa Laferty will be teaching this Level 1 Certification course. The following topics will be covered: What is Medicinal Aromatherapy? A Shamanic Perspective on Aromatherapy; Energy signature of Essential Oils; Application Methods; Non-Dilution Approach to Medicinal Aromatherapy; Toxicity Myths; Factors which Affect Quality & Production; Nose (Smelling) Exercises; Demonstrations; Practical Uses of Over One Hundred Essential Oils. Tresa Laferty is a Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aromatherapist, Certified Ayurveda Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner for Animals, and an Animal Communicator.
$550 early bird, $575 full price
Course Requirements:
(262) 902-2271 [email protected] www.tresalaferty.com

Tresa LafertyAbout the Instructor
Tresa has a special affinity to 4 legged creatures. She shares her 20 years of experience living and working with animals to the course. Additionally, Tresa is an Ayurveda Practitioner and she weaves the 5-Element theory into her life and teachings. By connecting with and incorporating them into your life, Tresa hopes that you will find that using Medicinal Essential Essences (Oils) will grant you a renewed sense of peace, harmony, and balance. Tresa regularly teaches virtually and in various locations throughout Southeast Wisconsin.