Wisdom of the Earth Level 1 Certification Weekend Immersion with Katie Shell
Class Level:
Held at Ancient Healing Arts, LLC Friday, March 22 5:30-8:30p Saturday, March 23 9am-6pm Sunday, March 24 10am-6pm
Take a transformational journey beyond common aromatherapy and tune into the wisdom of the earth and the cosmos. Gain greater self-awareness to heal your body, mind, and spirit, and a greater understanding of our intrinsic oneness with our Mother Earth.
The plants & trees are here with their ancient wisdom to help support us in navigating the great shifts of our time. The alchemic process necessary to produce essential oil acts as a guide to help us bridge our physical and spiritual selves. Experience the pure love of these essences and learn how to work with them to facilitate your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Bring a deeper connection to any professional healing or intuitive modality or use for your personal growth.
We will unravel common myths, learn about treating the physical, emotional, and spiritual body, and understand how we are inseparable from the Earth and the plant kingdom. Experience profound meditations with sacred anointments and breathwork. Learn how to tune into spiritual guidance by hearing the voices of plants and trees to enhance your intuitive abilities.
Fees: $600 early bird when paid in full; $625 after February 12. Payment plans available.
Course Requirements:
Link for registration or additional information www.aromatherapyimmersive.com or email [email protected]

Katie ShellAbout the Instructor
Led by Master Intuitive Aromatherapist & Spiritual Counselor Katie Shell. Katie has been teaching people to Love Themselves and Trust Their Bodies since 2004. Katie is passionate about helping people empower themselves to embrace their innate abilities for self healing. Katie supports her students and clients in gaining deeper awareness on their life's journey by creating safe spaces for self exploration individually and in groups. She brings her extensive studies and experience in reiki, movement, and evolutionary astrology to her class. Course is also available privately.