Our Current Offerings
Please click on class titles for more information
Class Level:
To Be Determined
August 22 - August 24, 2025
Friday, August 22nd, 2025(1:00 PM) -Sunday, August 24th, 2025 (6:00 PM) The YÄ€M Healing Arts private residence studio in Camp Verde, AZ. Address is provided upon registration.
This is a 3-day immersive training course in the art of medicinal aromatherapy. Rachel’s experience with Wisdom of the Earth essential oils goes back 17+ years. She has been a practicing aromatherapist for 11 years and has been an aromatherapy educator for the past 6 years teaching specialty classes on how to use aromatherapy in harmony with the seasons and elements. She also weaves in her training as a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Yoga Instructor and her background in Meditation, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This class will be a journey into the ancient and magical world of essential oils and their time-tested abilities for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Plants are the original medicine of the earth, and it has never been more relevant than now to learn how to use plants for both healing and preventative medicine. Whatever is attracting you to this path, it is sure to be a rich and heart-opening experience! We will breathe in, learn about, and apply 45 foundational essences. Bonus essences and hydrolats will be shared throughout. You will learn a variety of unique therapeutic application methods through hands on experiential learning. You will learn about quality considerations and the Wisdom of the Earth difference as well as safety protocols and getting clear about many of the myths out there around using essential oils. My intention is to send you home with a strong foundation in the art of aromatherapy, deeply connected to nature and your own true nature, and confident in the therapeutic use of essential oils. (24CE for LMTs through NCBTMB) More details and registration are available on the website below.
Class Level:
September 26 - September 28, 2025
Friday, September 26, 7 pm- 8:30 pm. Saturday, September 27, 10 am- 6:30 pm. Sunday, September 28, 10 am-6:30 pm.
Join John Odlum, one of Wisdom of the Earth’s most senior teachers of this amazing course, for a truly life-changing and powerful experience! John has been honored to teach and certify hundreds of students in the Art of Medicinal Aromatherapy over the past 15+ years.This course will help you connect with the consciousness of the plants, trees, and flowers to experience greater joy, health, and balance. With the assistance of pure plant essences of the highest quality, you will learn the scope and depth of healing they can provide in all areas of your life.Learn the truth behind common "toxicity myths" and correct common conditions such as hormonal imbalance, pain, digestion, anxiety, stress, candida, substance and emotional dependency, and much more. Essential oils enhance ALL other healing modalities.Learn a spiritual approach to aromatherapy that will help you trust your senses, intuition, and inner guidance and lead you back home to your most authentic self. I am truly humbled by the power of the plants and trees and honored to be one of their messengers. I’m excited to be your guide into their world to learn how to receive and listen to their wisdom! This is a beautifully immersive in-person experience. You will be working with over 100 oils and will be experiencing them directly in a very intimate setting. What is the structure of this class?Class begins with an orientation on Friday, May 2, 2025, at 7- 8:30 pm. You will receive your Textbooks, Reference Guide, and PowerPoint binder which is FULL of vital information that will prove to be an invaluable reference when working with Essence We will then set our intentions for the weekend and take a very special journey together that will set the tone for being open and receptive to all the gifts and wisdom the plants and trees provide to us.
We will continue our journey on Saturday and Sunday (10 am- 6:30 pm each day). We will be learning about and directly experiencing these powerful healing essences. We will be learning lots of practical information, sampling many essences, as well as having meditations and shamanic journeys that will help give you a well-rounded understanding. There will also be lots of hands-on practice throughout the weekend, that will help you feel more confident to share this amazing healing modality with your clients and loved ones.
The setting for this course will be my sacred healing space at Tru Elements in West Hartford, CT. We will be surrounded by sacred objects, healing tools, and lots of essences all weekend! We will also be visiting a lovely park to commune with some wonderful trees (weather permitting).
More details on directions, food, what you need to bring, etc. will be provided via email as we get closer to the class date.
This class will have a maximum of 7 students with 1 or 2 auditors only. This will provide a wonderfully intimate setting. This class is truly a life-changing experience; anyone who has taken this course has declared it has permanently changed their perspective of the world in a very positive way. With these times we are living in, working with this medicine is more vital than ever. I look forward to being your guide on this powerful journey.
Class Level:
June 19 - June 20, 2025
October 01 - October 02, 2025
Wednesday, 9am-6pm - Thursday 9am-6pm
Learn aromatherapy from Master Aromatherapists Audre Gutierrez (Owner) and Cynthia Olivera (Education Director). In this certification course, we empower our students to take responsibility for their health physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We use over 80 different essences, conscious thoughts, meditations, ceremonies, applications, stories, and tips and techniques for healing on all levels. This course enables you to treat yourself and your loved ones with confidence.
During this two-day immersion, you will experience the vibration and frequency of this incredible life-changing practice.
Learn to use the highest quality essential oils to connect you to the language and healing properties of the plant kingdom.
Register here.
Class Level:
April 11 - April 13, 2025
June 13 - June 15, 2025
October 10 - October 12, 2025
Friday 2 pm – 8 pm, Saturday 9 – 6 pm, Sunday 9 am – 4 pm
Whether you want to expand your knowledge about working with essential oils for your career or you are simply passionate about essential oils for your own personal growth and family use, this is a perfect way to learn and experience so much in a short three days. This is a full immersion, heart filled, and spiritual experience to restore communion with and re-ignite our connection with plants as the original medicine for all dis-ease on the planet. This certification intensive is an opportunity to dive deep into feeling the power of the essences. We will learn about how essences are made and what they truly are, as well as learn about what makes Wisdom of the Earth essences so unique and special. We will learn about the many myths about working with essential oils, and learn and practice using many different application techniques. We will explore approximately 100 essences throughout the weekend, learning about the physical, emotional and spiritual healing properties of each. This will be far beyond a classroom experience, learning about each essence through smell, touch, taste and experience. When you layer that many essences on in a short time and in an intentional and sacred space, be prepared for the unexpected. Time will be built in for personal reflection, meditation and sound healing with the crystal bowls as well. It will be an opportunity for personal breakthroughs and transformation. Come prepared to spend some time with our feet outside on the earth with whatever the Colorado weather brings - sun or snow! Working with the essences is all about connecting to our own integration living in human form on this beautiful planet Earth. If time allows and if everyone in the group is up for it, we might even take a field trip into the foothills of beautiful Boulder. Please reserve your retreat weekend as a sacred transformational retreat for yourself. Snacks and tea and included with tuition. Food will be organic and nourishing, and will be custom designed to accommodate any special dietary needs.