Cultivating Connection: Embodied Movement & Anointing Workshop with Katie Shell

Class Level: 

Special Topics


Thursday, Sept 28 6:30-8pm


Join us for a multisensory alchemical journey supporting you in cultivating connections and releasing blockages, creating space for healthy relationships in your lives.
Discover the transformational power of movement and essential oil anointments as we come together to explore our bodies, minds, and spirits.
In this workshop, we will dive deep into various gentle movement and meditation practices, allowing our bodies to express themselves freely and authentically.
Explore different techniques to enhance our connection with ourselves and others, supporting current relationships, attracting new ones, and letting go of those that no longer serve us.
The power of sacred oils for anointing will be integrated throughout to deepen our spiritual connection. Learn how to work with essential oils to enhance your personal practice by expanding consciousness and creating a sense of grounding and intention.
All bodies and experience levels encouraged.



Course Requirements: 


contact [email protected], register at


Katie Shell

About the Instructor