Twelve Days of Oils…The WOTE Way!

Twelve Days Of Oils…The WOTE Way! According to tradition, Christmas Day is the beginning of the 12 days of Christmas. The period is said to be viewed by Christians as the amount of time it took the three magi, or wise men, to travel to Bethlehem for the Epiphany, the revelation of Jesus Christ as…

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Introducing A Beautiful, New Frankincense Offering From Kenya

Introducing A Beautiful, New Frankincense Offering From Kenya Introducing a Unique, Highly Sustainable Frankincense Essential Oil from Wisdom of the Earth Excerpted from the poem by Michael Valentine, “The Day before my Birthday” …the city smelled like frankincense this morning oh so familiar tangy-pine aroma of magic and mystery and mastery… the city smelled like frankincense…

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The Powerful Effect Of Color Of Essential Oils

Use The Powerful Effect Of Color When Choosing Essential Oils A Lesson From Nature…The Healing Power of Color My Facebook feed is awash in gorgeous photos of Fall Color being shared with family and friends.  The “ohs” and “aahs” in the resulting comments affirm that we are uplifted and moved emotionally and energetically by viewing the glory…

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Let The Truth Of Who You Are Be The Foundation Of Self-Care

Let The Truth Of Who You Are Be The Foundation Of Self-Care Self-Care Requires Self-Understanding…Some Tips to Enhance Personal Well-being Looking Inside for the Key to Self-Care The words “self-care” seem to appear in almost everything I see in my “inbox”, on TV, in publications,  podcasts…you name it.  It is understandable, with the turmoil, loss,…

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