40% Off Promotion – FALL in love….with Wisdom of the Earth Oils & Hydrolats!

FALL in Love…with Wisdom of the Earth Oils & Hydrolats! 

40% off SELECTED WOTE products
September 27-29, 2024

The pricing on the featured products are already discounted by
40 %, so no coupon is needed for them. But if you wish,  you can also include regularly priced products in your order and put in a discount code you qualify for (for example, our local discount) to get your regular discount on non-promotional items.  

This beautiful Fall collection reflects the warmth we need in the Fall, addresses many of the medicinal issues we may face this time of year (back to school colds and coughs, for example) and even the colors of fall (our deeply red-orange Rose Hip Lycotop oil and the brilliant blue of German (Blue) Chamomile.  Enjoy learning about the oils we are featuring for this promotion and how they might augment your health and healing practices.  

Important Ordering information:

1.  Due to the overwhelming interest in these promotions, all products are offered on a “while supplies last” basis.  Since all of our oils and hydrolats are hand-poured here at our office in Cornville, AZ, we did so in anticipation of the demand associated with the various sizes we offer.  If a size you ordered is no longer available, we will contact you to let you know what other options there may be.

2.  Shipping timeline:  While our regular goal is to get orders received before noon shipped the same day, the wonderful response from our customers makes that impossible during a Promotion. We are also balancing filling regular orders that may be for specific health reasons and are needed ASAP; since we emphasize pure essential oils for health and well-being, we are prioritizing those on a daily basis.

So, please bear with us, and understand that promotional orders may take several days to process.  You will receive a notice when the order is “completed”, that is, processed in our system, and then another notice when it has been packaged and assigned a tracking number.  So, that is not a duplicate order, just the same order at different stages of the process.

We appreciate your understanding!

Essential Oils

Basil, Exotic  (Ocimum basilicum)
This powerful Basil is highly anti-inflammatory, which is helpful for arthritic joints and muscle pain and tightness.  It is a digestive aid, and even addresses intestinal worm infestations. All Basil oils are somewhat warm in temperature, but this is the warmest, so when applying on the stomach, it is usually best to layer it over a more gentle oil, such as Lavender, Bulgaria or Chamomile, Blue.

Exotic Basil can offer relief from congestion, so applying it on the back, over the lung areas, can often ease breathing.  On the soles of the feet, Exotic Basil can stimulate the Central Nervous System and help improve focus and relieve mental fatigue.

In ancient times, Basil was called the “King of Herbs” and was used in various Grecian rituals, and was a symbol of love and fertility in Rome.  In Jewish lore, basil was thought to provide strength during fasting.

Regular price: 15 ml $34; 120 ml $238

Chamomile, Blue (German) (Matricaria chamomilla)
Blue Chamomile is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it another great oil for muscle pain and arthritis.  Blue Chamomile is also highly sought after for its calming effects, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.  Wonderful for meditation…apply on the third eye or the throat chakra.

In ancient Egypt,  Blue Chamomile was dedicated to the Sun God, Ra, and used for treating fevers.  The Romans and Greeks used the plant for its calming effects and digestive properties.

Regular Price:   5 ml  $28; 15 ml $73; 120 ml $511 

Eucalyptus,  Mint (Eucalyptus, dives)
This is not a blend, but a  variety of eucalyptus that has a minty aroma, due to its chemical make-up.  Like all eucalyptuses, Mint Eucalyptus relieves respiratory issues such as coughs, colds and sinus congestion.  The refreshing scent of Mint Eucalyptus can also help improve mental clarity and focus.   The essential oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce pain.  

Even people who are not typically fond of the aroma of eucalyptus (probably due to negative childhood memories of Vicks VapoRub, lol), find the Eucalyptus Mint to be more than acceptable…and most people say that they love it!  It is good for children and elders, as it is one of the most gentle eucalyptus oils, yet is highly effective.

The Aboriginal Australians have used eucalyptus leaves for thousands of years to treat various aliments, including respiratory issues and wound healing.

Regular Price: 15 ml $25; 120 ml $175

Lavender,  Bulgaria (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender is renowned for its therapeutic properties, primarily calming and relaxation, pain relief, skin conditions (especially burns, bruises, scrapes, bites), and antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits that support the immune system.  This particular variety, grown and distilled in Bulgaria, comes from a region quickly becoming one of the most sought-after sources of lavender essential oil in the world, because of the high quality and exquisite aroma attributed to its climate and soil conditions.

Historically, Lavender has been used in Bulgaria since the 16th century for making soaps, perfumes and cosmetics.  During World War I, Bulgarian Lavender was used to disinfect wounds and prevent infections.
Regular Price: 15 ml $39; 120 ml $273

Pepper, Black (Piper nigrum)

Black Pepper offers numerous health benefits, and is an “unsung” hero in aromatherapy. Like most spice plant oils, it has digestive benefits, which was the original purpose of cooking with or flavoring with plants like Basil (all varieties) and Pepper.  It eases constipation, diarrhea and gas, and is helpful for gastrointestinal motility problems.  It can help to lower cholesterol levels, and also has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that address tendonitis, muscle injuries, and symptoms of arthritis.

Historically, Black Pepper has been cultivated and traded since at least 2000 BC and was also highly valued in ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece and Rome.  It has been called “black gold” as it was so valuable it was used as currency and played a crucial role in global trade routes, much like Frankincense.

Regular Price:  15 ml $34; 120 ml $239

Sage, True (Salvia officinalis)

Again, like the other spice oils, True Sage aids digestion and can relieve symptoms like bloating and cramps.  It is also anti-microbial and anti-bacterial, so it can combat bacterial infections and treat small cuts and wounds.

It is helpful in clearing the mind and enhancing cognitive function, so it is a great choice for diffusing in your home.  True Sage is anti-inflammatory, following the pattern of many of the oils included in our Fall Promotion, and is also anti-fungal, making it helpful for Athlete’s Foot.

Culturally, the Romans revered Sage as “herba sacra”…sacred herb…and widely used it for medicine.  The Egyptians used it as a treatment during the plague.  In more modern natural medicine, it is a good choice for women’s reproductive health.

Regular Price:  15 ml $32; 120 ml $224

Zanthoxylum (Zanthoxylum armatum) (Zan-THOX-a-lum)

Zanthoxylum, from Nepal, helps protect against oxidative stress and free radical damage…which leads to aging and disease.  It is able to do so through its anti-oxidant properties, which helps to bring free radicals and antioxidants into balance in the body.

Helpful for respiratory congestion or infection, Zanthoxylum is  great in a diffuser (8-10 drops), or used topically behind the ears, and down the sides of the neck to open up the eustachian tubes.

This oil also improves mental clarity and focus,  offers pain relief due to arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, and is also known for aiding gum health.

Our wonderful farmer in Nepal, Rana, brought Zanthoxylum to our attention because it is used so widely there for respiratory and oral health.  We love learning from our farmers!

Historically, it has been used for centuries in China for digestion, pain relief and inflammation.  It is also an age-old remedy for toothaches.

Regular Price:  15 ml $30; 120 ml $211

(Note,  there is limited availability of the 500 ml size, so be aware that supplies may sell out early. We will contact you if that is the case.  Also, the 500 ml size is shipped in a 625 ml container, so be aware that it will not be filled to the top.)

Geranium Hydrolat   (Pelargonium graveolens)

Medicinally, Geranium hydrolat is highly anti-viral and anti-bacterial, so it is very effective at addressing  viral or bacterial skin infections.  Its anti-inflammatory properties are helpful as well, addressing conditions like eczema and dermatitis.   All hydrolats support hydration of the skin, so, for most skin conditions, this beautiful choice is soothing and healing. 

Geranium is also very purifying and refreshing, so using it to clear a room  from both bacteria and stagnant energy is very effective.  The energy will linger long after the aroma has dissipated.

Historically,  Geraniums originated in South Africa, and were brought to Europe in the 17th Century and have since become popular world-wide.  Europeans who went to Africa for “The Cure” were often treated with this plant medicine for lung disease. It is considered a representation of home and comfort in many European countries, and the Swiss regard Geranium as a national symbol of those values.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $33; 500 ml $130

Spruce, Engelmann Hydrolat (Picea englemannii)

A few spritzes of this lovely hydrolat on your face, or throughout a room,  can reduce stress and anxiety, bringing a sense of relaxation and calm.  Like hydrolats in general, this Spruce has antiseptic and astringent properties, making it helpful in addressing minor cuts, wounds and skin irritations.  Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe acne, dry skin or sunburn. 

Historically, Native American Indigenous peoples used Englemann Spruce for various medicinal purposes, including wound cleaning and healing, and respiratory issues.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $33; 500 ml $130

Nut and Seed Oils

Rose Hip (Lycotop) (rosa rubiginosa)

The distinctive color (reddish-orange) of Rose Hip Lycotop varies by batch; this batch has a pronounced color, so if you use it on your face, it may take a while for the color to completely absorb into the skin.  You can also apply it to other less visible areas of the body or the soles of the feet.  While this is a “downside” of this product versus the regular Rose Hip Seed Oil (which is a clear to pale yellow in color),  the “upside” is this:  The rose hip seeds vary in color from pale yellow to gold to pale red to almost burgundy in color.  The difference?  Those that are most red in color have a greater amount of lycopene in them.

This batch is made solely from the reddish-colored seeds, which greatly enhances the lycopene content of the oil.


As summarized in WebMD, Lycopene is considered one of the most powerful natural antioxidants available. Lycopene’s main health benefit is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals in our bodies.

Free radicals cause cell damage — in high levels, this damage is linked to a wide range of health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. By stabilizing these free radicals, scientists believe that lycopene may reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses.

Cancer Prevention

While more research is needed, studies have found a connection between lycopene intake and cancer prevention — particularly for bone, lung, and prostate cancers. Experimental studies have shown that lycopene slows or stops the growth of cancer cells.

It’s thought that this effect is due to lycopene’s uniquely strong antioxidant abilities. Because it’s not changed into Vitamin A in our bodies like most carotenoids, scientists believe its antioxidant properties are enhanced, helping to reduce cell damage that can lead to cancer.

Heart Health

A recent study found evidence that lycopene reduced bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

This balance is important because high cholesterol develops fatty deposits in our blood vessels, which can clot and lead to a heart attack or stroke. In addition, lycopene can help to maintain good blood pressure, further reducing the risk of heart disease.

Pain Relief

Lycopene has been shown to reduce pain to a degree similar to that of ibuprofen medicine. Several studies have looked at its effects on nerve pain — which is traditionally very difficult to treat. The results in animals are promising, showing significant levels of decreased pain and hypersensitivity from lycopene intake.

Regular Price:  15 ml $30; 120 ml (4 oz) $210; 500ml $747

I hope this information is helpful in assisting you in making your choices.  Thank you for your support for Wisdom of the Earth.  We appreciate you!Dates for this promotion are Friday, September 27th through Sunday, September 29th.  We hope this selection offers some options that will be helpful to you now, and in the coming months.

Blessings and best wishes,
Audre Gutierrez, Owner, Wisdom of the Earth

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