40% off on Selected Wisdom of the Earth Products!

Happy Summer! I hope this newsletter finds you enjoying some fun activities, time with your family, or just an opportunity to kick back occasionally with a good book and a glass of lemonade!  My birthday is coming up on the 29th, and I thought it would be nice to “give back” in honor of another year around the sun.  So, I decided to periodically offer a promotional event through the rest of the summer, starting with my birthday weekend!  

This Friday, through midnight Sunday, Wisdom of the Earth is featuring 10 of our wonderful products at a 40% discount if you enter the coupon code Celebrate40.  This cannot be combined with any other discounts.  However, if you do qualify for a different discount, for example, our “locals” discount, please make a SECOND, SEPARATE order for non-featured sale items, and apply your regular discount coupon code.  When we process your orders, we will combine them into one box and refund any difference in shipping/insurance costs.

I have provided a brief description of each of these products, as you may be quite familiar with some, and very unfamiliar with others.  I have included a little “history” for most, and a brief description of the health benefits for all. So this may be the time to stock up on those you love, and get to know some you have not experienced yet.  See what strikes your fancy!  

Essential Oils
Ajowan, also known as ajwain oil, is derived from the seeds of the Ajwain plant (Trachyspermum ammi),  which is native to India, Pakistan, and the Middle East.

Ajowan oil has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for its healing properties. It has traditionally been used to calm the nervous system and treat indigestion, Additionally, it has served as an insect repellent and provided relief from coughs and colds.

Ajowan oil contains compounds like thymol and carvacrol, which fight bacteria and fungi. Research has shown that it may help combat harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. Many Wisdom of the Earth customers have used Ajown successfully to address restless feet or feet that ache during the night.

NOTE: Ajowan is a very HOT essential oil, and should only be used on the soles of the feet; also always wash your hands immediately after applying it.

Regular price: 15 ml $27; 120 ml $189

Balsam gurjun (Dipterocarpus turbinatus) essential oil comes from the Gurjun tree, which is native to Southeast Asia and India. In Ayurvedic medicine, Balsam gurjun was traditionally used to treat respiratory infections, ease muscle tension, and soothe skin irritations. These are some of today’s uses, but in addition, Balsam gurjun is known for the ability to uplift one’s spirits, reduce tension and promote relaxation, because it stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine.

I love to use it for stings or bug bites, as its excellent anti-inflammatory properties quickly reduces swelling and redness. It is also good for internal inflammation (e.g., arthritis and gout).

Regular Price: 15 ml $26; 120 ml; 120 ml $182


Cajeput (White Tea Tree) (Melaleuca minor/cajeputi)

Cajeput essential oil, also known as cajuput oil, is derived from the leaves and branches of the cajeput tree. Cajeput oil has a long history of use in traditional medicine, particularly in Southeast Asia, specifically for minor cuts/scratches, wounds due to its antiseptic qualities. Cajeput’s anti-inflammatory properties have also been shown to help skin conditions like psoriasis and acne.

Cajeput is one of my favorite Melaleucas; I have used it in steam inhalations for sinusitis and other respiratory ailments. It is a gentle, but highly effective, anti-viral essential oil.

Regular Price: 15 ml $27 120 ml $189


Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus/winterianus) Also known as Mana Grass.

Citronella has been used for centuries in various cultures. It symbolizes purification, protection, and spiritual well-being. Citronella is deeply rooted in folklore as an insect repellent. People would place Citronella leaves and branches in their homes or outdoor spaces to ward off mosquitoes and other pests.

Today, it continues to be used as an insect repellant, but is also used in traditional Chinese medicine for digestion, inflammation and skin concerns. The essential oil is very anti-septic, and also is used to help reduce fever. All grass essences are purifying in nature, so a few drops of Citronella in a diffuser are an excellent way to “clear the air” literally and figuratively!

Regular Price: 15 ml $24; 120 ml $168

Juniper berry, Albania (juniperus communis) 

Juniper essential oil has a rich history, for example, during the Medieval period, juniper berries were believed to protect against lingering bacteria and infections. French hospital wards even burned juniper and rosemary to safeguard patients’ health. In the Old Testament, a juniper sheltered the prophet Elijah from Queen Jezebel’s pursuit, adding to its mystical significance.

In literature and art, juniper symbolizes endurance.  Like its evergreen leaves, juniper conveys resilience and tenacity. Juniper also represents inner strength and bravery. Juniper has served as a symbol of protection against negative forces. So, for eons, Juniper has been seen as a supporter and protector of humankind.

Juniper Berry essential oil contains over 87 active compounds, including antioxidants, antibacterials, and antifungals. Thus, it is commonly used for sore throats and respiratory infections, and skin irritations like rashes and eczema. Juniper oil aids digestion, and is a natural diuretic, reducing bloating. It is an excellent essential oil for calming the Central Nervous System (CNS)…one of my favorites for anxiety and worry, especially paired with Lavender.

Regular Price: 5 ml $22; 15 ml $57; 120 ml $399

Lavender, Albania (Lavandula angustifolia)

“In every lavender field, there’s a tale of love untold, of hearts meeting under the open sky, of hands daring to hold. An emblem of love, standing gallant and small, In the language of flowers, it speaks to us all.”  ~ From 35 Poems About Lavender – The Teaching Couple website

This exquisite Lavender is one of my favorites. Her aroma is heavenly, but she is not just a “pretty smell”. She is incredibly effective for sunburn (I can personally vouch for that!) as well as other types of burns, bruises and insect bites. Lavender is historically known for calming and soothing the Central Nervous System, and just “lightening a load”, no matter the load you are carrying.

Lavender can ease muscle pain, menstrual pain, and emotional pain. All lavenders speak to us of the many levels of love, something the world could certainly use more of today. Stock up with the “Birthday Bash” promotion on this very, very special Lavender.

Regular Price: $18 5ml; $46 15 ml; $322 120 ml

Nut & Seed Oils

Grapeseed Oil (Vitis vinifera)

Grapeseed Oil has been known for over 6,000 years. The Old Testament mentions it in a dish called Pulse, which the Prophet Daniel consumed for its health benefits.

Today, Grapeseed Oil offers several health benefits due to its rich content of omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants. This combination is beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body, including the heart. The vitamin E and antioxidants can improve the elasticity of the skin and reduce signs of aging. Grapeseed Oil is used in many skincare products for its moisturizing properties, which help keep the skin hydrated and smooth.

Some studies suggest that Grapeseed Oil helps regulate blood sugar levels, especially important for people with diabetes.

Please Note:  Nut and Seed oils do not have as long a shelf-life as essential oils, so please store away from extreme heat or cold.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $30; 500 ml $117



Sage, Purple (Artemisia tridentata)

Purple Sage helps reduce inflammation, making it useful for soothing skin irritations and conditions like eczema. The hydrolat has natural antiseptic properties, which can help in cleansing wounds and preventing infections. Astringent properties help tone and tighten the skin, making it beneficial for skincare. The pleasant herbal fragrance can be sprayed in a room or on the skin to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $33


Yarrow, Blue (Achillea millefolium ligustica)

Blue Yarrow hydrolat offers several health benefits:

Its anti-Inflammatory properties help manage various inflammatory responses in the body, making it useful for conditions like insect bites. As an astringent, it is beneficial for oily or problem skin, and aids in wound healing. In terms of emotions, Blue Yarrow hydrolat can help soothe emotional and mental distress, promoting a sense of calm.

Regular Price: 120 mls (4oz): $33


Fragonia (Agonis fragrans)

Fragonia hydrolat offers several health benefits, such as aiding in wound healing and preventing infections. Known for its calming effects, it can help reduce stress and anxiety if sprayed in a “sick room” or in a bedroom before sleeping.

We are fortunate to obtain both the oil and the hydrolat from a wonderful family farm and distillation operation in Australia.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4oz) $33 500 ml $130

Love, Audre Gutierrez
Owner, Wisdom of the Earth

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