Chakra Balance Aromakit

The chakras are energy centers in the body, whirling vortexes that connect us to the Earth’s vibration and reflect/direct the life energy we hold within us. Unbalanced or stagnant chakras keep us off-center, drain our life energy and sap our vitality. Balanced, active chakras reveal themselves in those who face life…who LIVE life…with direction, passion…

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Pine, Pinon Essential Oil

Pinus edulis Anti-viral/bacterial. Used to help heal external wounds such as skin abrasions, cuts, puncture wounds, worms, infections, worms, and respiratory disorders, as a diuretic. Disinfectant. Has Vitamin C and sucrose. Emotional and spiritual energy cleanser.   Pixabay Image by Mike Goad

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Parsley Seed Essential Oil

Petroselinum sativum Boosts immune system and reduces muscle spasms. Used for colic, bad breath, hormonal balance, repair broken blood vessels, hemorrhoids, and mental exhaustion. Stimulates lactation. Aprodisiac. Energizer. Pungent and powerful. Seeds, on a spiritual level, address new beginnings, creativity, planning for the future.

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“My Favorite Things” AromaKit

Essences included:  Basil, Sweet; Cardamom, Green; Cedarwood, Himalayan; Cornmint; Eucalyptus, Gully Gum; Frankincense; Laurel Leaf; Lavender, Fine; Lemon, Green Cedro; Lemongrass Indian; Orange, Blood Red (Italy); Pine, Red; Rosemary cineole; Spikenard; Ylang Ylang

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Emergency Kit AromaKit

The 12 special essential oils in this AromaKit offer a wide variety of economical, multi-purpose essences designed to be taken on vacations, camping, or business trips.  Each 2 ml bottle’s 60 drops are enough to allow a 5-7 drop application once a day for a week to 10 days.  This kit comes with an explanation…

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