Nature’s Miracles! Class Announcements & Happy Father’s Day To Dads Of All Kinds!

Nature's Miracles! Class Announcements & Happy Father's Day To Dads Of All Kinds!
Thank goodness for Plant Medicine!! Sharing a Healing "Miracle"
I am known to engage in hyperbole (verbal exaggeration) from time to time...ok, pretty often, LOL. I am an enthusiastic person, and that spills over into virtually everything I do or say. However, I shy away from what I perceive as "over selling" our essential oils because I want to be prudent and honoring of their preciousness and ancient lineage. "Hyping" something is not my thing professionally, even though I may feel like some of the experiences I have had with the oils personally, and have observed in others, are literally nothing short of a miracle. But a recent experience I would like to share has brought that word, miracle, to mind again, and I decided to get out of my comfort zone and use it!
First, let's get on the same page with our definitions. Here is how Wikipedia defines miracle:
A miracle is an event that seems inexplicable by natural or scientific laws and accordingly gets attributed to some supernatural or praeternatural cause.
I think of it as not being able to believe my eyes...or my experience...based on past history or the educated opinions of others/society, but I can also embrace the above definition as something I can work with.
So...on with the "miracle". I have been concerned over the past year about my gums receding...progressing to the point where it was becoming pretty noticeable, even in pictures. I decided to use Clove Bud and Myrrh essential oils on a daily basis to see if I could at least slow the process...but, in reality, I wanted to REVERSE the process. I chose Clove Bud because it is famous for relieving tooth pain and bad breath, as well as helping reduce gum disease! Clove oil also has the natural ability to restrict the development of bacteria so it is highly effective for mouth and throat infections. With regard to Myrrh, I have had excellent experiences for years with Myrrh for anything oral...wounds, irritations, infections. She is my "go to" for anything oral.
So, for about three months, I have been applying two to three drops of each oil every morning on my upper front gums. I noticed the other day (when I had some head-shop type pictures taken) that one area has almost completely closed up, and the other, more pronounced problem area, is over 50% resolved. It had been so gradual, I hadn't really noticed until the pictures were shared with me. I was stunned...and thrilled! It is working! And, quite honestly, it feels like a miracle. I had kind of "fallen off the wagon" in terms of my persistence and consistency with my morning Clove Bud & Myrrh ritual, but I am now back more enthused than ever! I especially wanted to share this experience, because I know that many people deal with receding gums as they age, so hopefully this tip can help many others prevent or address this condition.
The second is a "miracle in waiting"...that is, I am going to try something that I was told by my doctor is not reversible, because I honestly do not believe that and feel that, with the right support, the body IS a miracle healer. I recently changed doctors, so the current guy, whom I really like and respect, wanted to have some tests done to have some baseline data to use going forward. Blood tests showed that my kidneys are not functioning like they used to (basically attributable to age)...nothing worrisome at this point, but he did note it and mentioned it to me. He observed that there was really nothing that could be done to reverse things, and I told him that I was going to try...with essential oils. He was skeptical, but supportive (and a little curious), but I have decided to go all out and start using a kidney support protocol every night before I go to bed. If you type in kidney in the symptom/product search bar found at the bottom of each page of the Wisdom of the Earth website, you will see an array of essential oils known for their ability to support kidney function. I have chosen the following for my protocol: Lemon, Santolina, Juniper Berry (all of which I knew were key for the kidneys), and Birch (Sweet), Myrtle linalool and Laurel Leaf, which I have not used for kidney work before. So...hoping to see a positive shift in the blood tests when we revisit in three months...and I am trusting in these powerful allies to help me "reverse time" and get back to optimally functioning kidneys over the next several months! I will keep you posted, and have my fingers crossed for another EO miracle.
I would love to hear from any of you who feel you have experienced your own "EO Miracle"...If I share your story in my next newsletter, I will send you a gift... a bottle of the oil (or one of the oils) to which you are attributing your miracle. Sharing is how we all learn, and I would love to learn from your experiences and share them with others.
Upcoming Class Offerings
With regard to classes taught by Cynthia and me...
*Thank you to the lovely people who have registered for our Level 1 Medicinal Aromatherapy class via Zoom on June 23-24; we could comfortably add another student and another auditor, if you feel drawn to join us! Time is running out, so if you are interested, please contact Cynthia Olivera, our Education Director, at [email protected] or at the office, 928-649-9968 to confirm space availability or to register.
*The Japanese language Level 2 Advanced Retreat will be offered via Zoom August 8-10 and 15-17. Please be aware that you must have attended a Level 1 class and have been awarded Level 1 Certification by WOTE to be eligible to attend the Advanced Retreat. Contact Cynthia Olivera (see contact info above) for information and pricing, and you will then be directed to our Japanese Coordinator to finalize your registration.
Level 1 Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification Class (in person) offered October 27-28, 2022 in Cornville, AZ. Pricing and details will be posted on the Wisdom of the Earth website over the next few days, but for immediate information regarding pricing, discount opportunities, class content, or to register, please contact Cynthia Olivera (see contact info above).
Some testimonials from Level 1 graduates:
“I debated and debated about whether now was the time for me to explore my love of aromatherapy in a more formal way. After taking the “leap” to attend your Level 1 class, I can’t even remember what the debate was about! I have learned that my connection to the natural world is deep within my being, and that all I really need to be healthy and balanced can be found in the Plant & Tree Kingdoms. The essences are powerful allies, and I honestly don’t know what I would do without them.”
“Audre, you are an excellent teacher. You know so much about the plants and you have so many stories of actual instances where the oils really helped people. For me that was the most powerful part of the class. After hearing those, I had the confidence to do the same on myself – and it worked!! Your classroom environment feels like home, and is a relaxing place to share and go deeply into the teaching. You made our class very special, and I will never forget it!”
“Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how much incredible information I got out of your seminar. You are a gifted teacher and a wonderful spirit whose energy brings so much to the planet – which is especially important in today’s world.”
*Five day Level II Advanced Retreat, which will be held in person December 4-9, 2022, at a lovely retreat property in Cottonwood, AZ, just a few minutes' drive from the WOTE office in Cornville, AZ. Please contact Cynthia Olivera, our Education Director, at [email protected] or at the office, 928-649-9968, for details on pricing, discount opportunities, class content, or to register. We will be updating the WOTE website in the next several days to have the details posted there, as well.
Some testimonials from Level 2 graduates:
“I will never be the same after this experience…I know my calling is in the healing professions, and this has opened the door to answer that call.”
“It is with deep gratitude in my heart that I say “Thank You” for the amazing gift and light you are to me and the world. Your teachings have inspired me on many levels, but this morning in the Medicine Wheel opened my heart eyes to see where I need to go to truly listen to the guidance from ALL beings.”
“Thank you for your immense light and the love you carry for what you do. I am graced to be back with my original teachers, and as always, you are so generous and kind to me. I take that to MY students in honor of you!”
We look forward to being with you in these very exceptional experiences, which have been life-changing for so many, including us, each and every time.
Happy Fathers Day!! Loved this quote from Antoine Francois Prevost and wanted to share it.
In honor of Fathers everywhere, both birth fathers and those who have graciously loved, accepted and mentored others as though they were their own, we offer a 10% discount at starting today, Father's Day, through next Saturday at midnight, June 25th. Use the code Father10 at checkout. (Cannot be combined with any other discounts.)
What oils do men seem to gravitate to? Some of the favorite men in my life favor oils like Spike Lavender (sore muscles!), Helichrysum (great for scrapes and cuts), Helichrysum hydrolat (eases itchy eyes bothered by smoke, pet allergies or pollen), Sweet Birch (blood sugar balancer, tight muscles), Laurel Leaf (courage, speaking your truth, digestion, respiratory), Norway Spruce (anti-viral, respiratory), and Violet, my late husband's favorite...always had a bottle in his pocket!. All I know is that he met a lot of people that way...following his aroma and/or commenting on it! Violet made people feel so comfortable approaching him and talking with him. A real "attractor" for sure!
Thank you for reading this newsletter and I hope to hear from many of you soon about your miracles, your favorite oils, or your interest in one of our classes!
Love, Audre Gutierrez
Owner, Wisdom of the Earth