Yuki Ito


Teacher/Master Distributor

Classes Taught:

Introductory classes | Level 1 Certification | Special Topics |


Area Japan

Teacher/Master Distributor WOTE Medicinal Aromatherapist, Certified Aromatherapist and Aroma Instructor by Aroma Environment Association.

I am in charge of postpartum care at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic in Kanagawa Prefecture, and am active in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture and Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture.

I help people to connect with nature, plants, and the earth and “live wild” to increase their life force, release their mind and sexuality, and deepen the art of the soul. I also offer private sessions and lectures on Self-Chineizan, Self-Yoni Care, Numerology, and Tarot.

Our goal is to “Live Wildly on Earth: Suvive±ing Earth” !





Wisdom of the Earth関連講座(体験会・レベル1認定講座)の開催や、個人セッション・講座にて、セルフチネイザン(気内臓療法)、セルフヨニケア、数秘・タロットを取り入れております。目指すは「Wildに地球を生き抜く:Suvive±ing Earth」!