Heather Einshohn

Heather’s relationship with Wisdom of the Earth’s unique and potent Medicinal Aromatherapy started in 2013. She was delighted to add them to her 40+ years of practicing natural healing such as nutrition, and different bodywork modalities including Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Feldenkrais Method to name a few. She also co-founded a successful Alternative Holistic Health Center in Dallas, Texas which has given her a deeper experience and insight into working with a variety of health challenges.
Early on, Heather realized the value of developing the spiritual aspect for optimal health. This awareness led her to decades of Spiritual Journeys in Sacred Ceremony to places like Egypt, India, Peru, and Australia. She teaches others about how to use essences to create Sacred Space and Divine Connection.
Heather’s unique support and expertise lie within the juicy details of the whats, wheres, whys, and hows in using the Wisdom of the Earth’s potencies of nature. She currently sees clients and pets remotely and in person using Wisdom of the Earth Medicinal Aromatherapy along with her life coaching, intuitive bodywork, and advanced quantum biofeedback. Her joy is creating customized immersive healing retreats in Sedona, AZ. You can contact Heather to book or learn more at (214) 236-8292.