Level 1 Certification

Our Current Offerings

Please click on class titles for more information

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


January 18-December 20, 2024


3 DAY INTENSIVE – MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY Saturday 1/18/25 - 12:30pm Sunday 1/19/25 - 10 am - 6 pm Monday 1/20/25 9:30 am - 5:30 pm


Learn about the plants that heal, nurture, and sustain wellness.
Personally explore essences that positively support mental, physical, and emotional wellness in self, family, and friends.
Understand how essential oils are harvested and distilled.
Discover how to use essential oils effectively and safely.
Experience hands-on study, use and learning of Level 1 Foundational Essences.
ADDED BONUS:  How to add aromatherapy to your toolbox in helping others professionally.

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


January 18-February 01, 2025


THREE SATURDAYS Saturday 1/18/25 - 12:30pm Saturday 1/25/25 - 10 am - 6 pm Saturday 2/1/25 10 am - 6 pm


Personally explore essences that positively support mental, physical, and emotional wellness in self, family, and friends.
Understand how essential oils are harvested and distilled.
Discover how to use essential oils effectively and safely.
Experience hands-on study, use and learning of Level 1 Foundational Essences.
ADDED BONUS:  Self Care practices for your body and personality type.
Adding aromatherapy to your professional toolbox.

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification




January 29-February 05, 2025


Wed. 1/29/24, ONLINE class - 6:00 pm Sat., 2/1/25, IN-PERSON - 10 am - 6 pm Sun., 2/2/25 IN-PERSON - 9:30 am - 5:30 pm


Learn what medicinal aromatherapy is and why it positively impacts your life.
Understand how essential oils are harvested and distilled.
Discover how to use essential oils effectively and safely on yourself and others.
Receive a simple, fun and straightforward chemistry of the plant and tree essences and why it is smart and helpful to understand it.
Experience hands-on study, use and learning of 35 foundational essences.
Explore the sacred magic of essence in meditation.
Enjoy working with a master teacher with over 24 years experience.
Re-establish connection to Mother Earth as one of your profound teachers.
Participate in powerful essence protocols that will boost your health and well-being.
Learn how to intuitively work with essential oils and trust yourself more.
Receive priceless tips and tools of the trade that only a long-time aromatherapist can teach you.

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


February 22-March 08, 2025


Saturday 2/22/25 10am-5pm; Saturday 3/1/25 10am-5pm; Saturday 3/8/25 10am-5pm


Personally explore essences that positively support mental, physical, and emotional wellness in self, family, and friends.
Understand how essential oils are harvested and distilled.
Discover how to use essential oils effectively and safely.
Experience hands-on study, use and learning of Level 1 Foundational Essences.
ADDED BONUS:  Self Care practices for your body and personality type.
Adding aromatherapy to your professional toolbox.