Wisdom of the Earth Level One Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification Course ONLINE Taught by Sheridan Semple
Class Level:
Monday, February 20, 4-5pm Meet abd Greet Zoom to set up class schedule
Ready to expand your knowledge and use of aromatherapy? Wanting better to utilize plant medicine for your health and spiritual pursuits? Looking for a deeper understanding of what you came into this life to do? I invite you to join Sheridan Semple for a deep dive into the earth's and sky's original medicines. Learn from the ancient wisdom of plants and trees in this online exploration into healing yourself through the nurturing of the earth. Discover more about who you are through the ancestral teachings of the sky. A bonus to the online class is having 45 samples of the essences you will be studying and experiencing to keep following the class.
These weeks of learning about, experiencing, smelling, and using essences will inspire and enlighten you as you begin your journey as a Medicinal Aromatherapist. This predominantly experiential class will open your heart to the plant and tree kingdom and the earth in a profoundly personal manner and will transform you.
Whether you desire to help yourself, others, or simply those closest to you, this class will give you the confidence and knowledge to use, apply, and recommend essences for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and evolution. No matter how much or how little experience you have with essences, this class is excellent for anyone. We cover the basics but also explore topics and knowledge not presented in any other aromatherapy course, such as plant spirit medicine.
A bonus offered in my classes is teaching you about your Soul’s evolutionary path through Shamanic Astrology. We’ll discuss parts of your birth chart that show aspects of what you came here to do. You’ll learn the spiritual aromatherapy essences that support you on your unique path and how to use them to get closer and closer to your life’s purpose.
This course begins a journey into your heart, facilitated by nature and supported by Mother Earth. I’m here to support you in your medicinal aromatherapy journey and beyond. I will mentor you following the course, and you’ll never be left on your own as you need assistance.
The class is transcendent, spiritual, life-changing, and filled with knowledge and FUN! Expect to laugh, maybe cry, and walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself, your unique healing path, and plant and earth medicine.
$875 early bird price. Includes 2 ml samples of 45 essences you will be learning about during the course (rose and neroli are 1 ml) an essence reference guide and aromatherapy books.
Course Requirements:
For certification, attend the entire online course, write a paper on an essence of your choice and submit a $50 certification fee. You have three months to write the paper following your last class.
Sheridan Semple for more information: https://sheridansemple.com/ or [email protected]

Sheridan SempleAbout the Instructor
Teacher/MD – Sheridan Semple, H.H.P., C.C.A., C.N.C. I always say that the earth saved me. In fact, I believe it can save just about anyone, no matter what they’re going through. Growing up in Colorado led me to discover my love for the outdoors and how the human body is healed by nature. I learned firsthand the earth's healing power as a young child, hiking in the mountains to be with the trees as I recovered from trauma. My connection to the land has carried me through the most challenging times in my life. Helping others in a deep, meaningful way to connect to the medicine of the earth to discover and heal themselves has always been my calling. As a child, time and time again, I was surprised by the ways that natural medicine could cure ailments in ways modern medicine just wasn’t able to do. My passion is teaching you to trust yourself and listen to your inner wisdom and knowing to heal yourself, coupled with the consciousness of the plants to support you. My mission is to empower you to take your health into your own very capable hands. Connecting with the essences of the plants and trees is the best tool for self-healing I have found. I know that working with these essences offers you healing on every level – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. By trade, I am a Shamanic Astrologer, WOTE Certified Medicinal Aromatherapist, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), Clinical Aromatherapist (CCA), and Certified Nutritionist (CNC). I have worked in the holistic health field for over 20 years and came to the power of aromatherapy through a traditional naturopath with whom I apprenticed 15+ years ago. I incorporate the teachings of the earth and sky in marrying spiritual aromatherapy with shamanic astrology. My practice is based in Aspen where I embody the local motto of mind, body spirit in my work with clients. I work with people locally and all over the world, as well as teach monthly online New Moon Ceremonial classes incorporating astrology and aromatherapy and Venus Alchemy, a ceremonial exploration into our divine feminine expressions.