Wisdom of the Earth Level One Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification Course (ONLINE) Taught by John Odlum

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification




Time---Friday April 12, 2024. 7-830pm EST (Orientation) Class will be over 2-3 weekends. Classes will be held on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. Specific dates will be chosen at orientation.


Join John Odlum, one of Wisdom of the Earth’s most senior teachers of this amazing course, for a truly life-changing and powerful experience! John has been honored to teach and certify hundreds of students in the Art of Medicinal Aromatherapy over the past 15+ years.

This course will enable you to connect with the consciousness of the plants and trees. With the assistance of pure Essential Essences of the highest quality, you will better understand the scope and depth of healing that the plants and trees provide in all areas of your life.

Learn a spiritual approach to aromatherapy that will help you trust your senses, intuition, and inner guidance and lead you back to your authentic self.

Usually, this is done live in a more immersive 3-day course. This online option allows much more time to integrate your experience and knowledge over an extended period.

How does this work online?
First, we all meet on Zoom on April 12, 2024, for a meet and greet and intention setting. We will all agree and set a class schedule that is best for everyone. If you are interested, please review your schedule now to see what times and days work best for you. The classes will be offered on either a Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
Depending on the student's choice, this class can take 2-3 weeks. Once this schedule is agreed upon, we will meet on those set dates on Zoom.
I will also create a private Slack channel where we can all interact, ask questions, and share experiences during the course. I will instruct you on that once you register.
You will receive Aroma Kits with 45 Foundational essences to use during the class, which will be invaluable for you to experience the power of these essences directly.

While on Zoom, we will be covering lots of valuable information, doing meditations, guided journeys, sharing amazing stories, breakout room sessions, and much more.
I will record each session and send them to you so you can review any class at your leisure.
I will also be giving fun homework assignments in between our meetings that include meditations, application of oils, and many more. All are designed to help you integrate and directly experience all this information and knowledge more efficiently.
This class is truly a life-changing experience; anyone who has taken this course has declared it has positively changed their perspective of the world.


Cost is $900. Cost includes tuition, Aroma Kits, 3 textbooks including a reference guide. All of this will be mailed out to you prior to the class. The Aroma Kit includes 45 Foundational Essences in 2ml bottles in beautiful fabric. This is an amazing opportunity to have the oils to use during and after class time. You will also have the opportunity (once you become certified) to audit any level one course (live or online) anywhere they are taught for FREE! (If there is room) This is a fantastic offering, because each class will help deepen and expand your knowledge and experience. As a gift to our new students, we will be offering you oils at a 20% discount for the entire last week of our class! Once you become certified you will have a permanent 22% discount of all oils and hydrolats!

Course Requirements: 

To become certified by WOTE, there is a $50 certification fee due at the time you hand in your certification paper. You have 3 months to complete your paper.


For more information and to register Go to my website: www.tru-elements.com Contact: Phone 860-922-6846 Email: [email protected] Website: www.tru-elements.com


John Odlum

About the Instructor