Sedona Healing Salon – Join Cynthia & Siddiqa for a healing vacation with a purpose!
Class Level:
Starts Sunday Sept 18, 5:00pm and ends Friday Sept 23, 11am
This is an opportunity for you to reconnect with the juiciness of being you through gentle adventure, sacred ceremony, creative movement, powerful meditations, red rock hiking, downtime at the pool, heart-full teachings on creating more pleasure and magic in your life, and deep communion with other authentic and loving women.
Includes 5 nights of accommodation; all breakfasts; all guided hikes, meditations, and movement classes; all wisdom teachings; all essential oils; all excursions and group activities; and most importantly, you will receive the gift of off-the-beaten-path Sedona - you will be protected from over used and abused tourist traps and instead get to enjoy the local's secret Sedona that most tourists never get to experience!
Cost of Retreat: $2,500
Course Requirements:
Cynthia and Siddiqa put a lot of care and intention into creating a very special vacation for you to remember and experience the pleasure and enchantment of yourself. Do something Loving for yourself today and join us on this trip of a lifetime!
Cynthia @ Siddiqa @ 484-542-5547

Siddiqa Salter