Level II Advanced Sacred Aromatherapy Retreat (Japanese Language) with Audre and Cynthia
Class Level:
4pm - 9pm (US time - daily)
Japanese Level II
During this 6-day intensive retreat, experience the healing power of nature. Take a deep dive into the exquisite practice of aromatherapy and immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of essential oils.
Explore new, exotic, and uncommon essences. Expand and integrate your knowledge, intuition, and consulting skills. Also included will be:
• Earth Consciousness Training
• Ceremonies
• Movement
• Anointing
• Meditation
Tuition $3,000 If tuition is paid in full at the time of registration, they will receive a 10% discount ($300). Couples or friends registering together receive a 10% discount. Three Aromakits (plus mailing fee) are included in the tuition.
Course Requirements:
Requirements: • Journal or notebook • A private place to participate that is big enough to comfortably lie down on the floor • Access to the outdoors or a natural setting • Water to drink • Level II oil kit (provided) • Blanket and/or yoga mat • Blanket to wrap yourself in Special preparation for the Medicine Wheel experience: Please know the directions of N-S-E-W before class. You can use the compass on your phone to find the directions in the space you will be attending the retreat. You will need four objects to mark the directions and build your Medicine Wheel. Here are some suggestions: • Stones • Crystals • Flowers • Candles • Plants • Essences • Seeds, etc. • A fresh flower petal or plant petal to work with You may use one or any of these, or come up with what is meaningful for you. We will also be building an altar throughout Level II to embody the day. Please choose a place to set up your altar that will not be disturbed. We will all be sharing these on the last day.
To register contact our Japanese coordinator Mikie Shiraishi at [email protected]

Audre and CynthiaAbout the Instructor
This retreat will be taught by Master Medicinal Aromatherapists Audre Gutierrez, Owner of Wisdom of the Earth, and Cynthia Olivera, Educational Director of Wisdom of the Earth. Japanese language translators are provided. Special guest teachers included in the program TBA