Level I In-Person class with Kathy Padecky & Larry Basset
Class Level:
9 am - 6 pm, hour for lunch
This in-person class offers a multitude of personal growth opportunities. You will experience aromatherapy with your heart and through all your senses. This heart-centered class will shift your awareness and consciousness as you experience the energy and aroma of over 100 essences. Allow the essences to facilitate your journey to heal emotional and physical wounds. They will open your heart as you awaken to experience the world through nature’s gift of essential oils. You will learn the Wisdom of the Earth Mission and Vision, experience an aromatic meditation, and learn about the foundational essences of this Level 1 class. You will apply acupressure, reflexology points, and crystals with these life-changing essences. You may discover all of nature is conscious and here to support your journey. It is time to allow the love of nature and these powerful essences to transform your life. Crystals used with these conscious essences provide unforgettable experiences. This class is a personal sacred journey. Everyone who has taken our class had beautiful life-changing experiences. Please bring a few of your favorite crystals to the class. After the class, we will always be available to assist you in your journey.
Course Requirements:
We provide crystals for you to use. Bring a favorite crystal for the altar.
For registration, questions please call Kathy at 858-926-6578 or email [email protected] 13880 North Embassy Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona, 85755, USA

Kathy PadeckyAbout the Instructor
Kathy Padecky is a Level 1 certified Medicinal Aromatherapy teacher with 33 years of experience and 36 years in the holistic field. Kathy is a Massage Therapist. Kathy graduated from Mueller College of Holistic Studies as a Holistic Health Practitioner and obtained an AS Degree in Holistic Studies from the International Professional School of Bodywork. She is a certified aromatherapist from the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Oregon. She appeared on a San Diego television talk show to speak on the Practical Uses of Aromatherapy. Kathy has a private practice integrating Wisdom of the Earth’s essences with Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Energy work, Healing Touch, Cranial Sacral, and Reflexology. Kathy has a deep connection with Mother Earth, the plant, tree, and crystal kingdom. The love she feels from the plants, trees, and Mother Earth inspired her to share their love and wisdom. Her clients feel and understand how the energy of love and the essences change their life. Larry Bassett is a Level 1 certified Medicinal Aromatherapy teacher. Larry learned about essential oils from his wife Kathy and through experiences. Larry also has a deep connection with mother earth. He lives in a different world as one who has seen angels, fairies, elementals, and more Everything he knows about crystals he learned from the crystals. He has listened to and spoken with plants in nature. He used essences grow back and heal a big toe that was crushed and lost. Love is all around us and the essences help us to heal and understand a new world if they chose to experience it. Essential oils changed my life as they can yours. Everyone who has taken our class has heard the plants speak to them. It is all about opening your heart and experiencing the love all around us. Bachelor of Elected Studies University of Minnesota Keshe Foundation Distributor Wisdom of the Earth Teacher