Level 1 Aromatherapy Certification & Retreat with Kristina Turco

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


April 11-April 13, 2025


June 13-June 15, 2025


October 10-October 12, 2025


Friday 2 pm – 8 pm, Saturday 9 – 6 pm, Sunday 9 am – 4 pm


Whether you want to expand your knowledge about working with essential oils for your career or you are simply passionate about essential oils for your own personal growth and family use, this is a perfect way to learn and experience so much in a short three days. This is a full immersion, heart filled, and spiritual experience to restore communion with and re-ignite our connection with plants as the original medicine for all dis-ease on the planet.  This certification intensive is an opportunity to dive deep into feeling the power of the essences. We will learn about how essences are made and what they truly are, as well as learn about what makes Wisdom of the Earth essences so unique and special. We will learn about the many myths about working with essential oils, and learn and practice using many different application techniques. We will explore approximately 100 essences throughout the weekend, learning about the physical, emotional and spiritual healing properties of each. This will be far beyond a classroom experience, learning about each essence through smell, touch, taste and experience. When you layer that many essences on in a short time and in an intentional and sacred space, be prepared for the unexpected. Time will be built in for personal reflection, meditation and sound healing with the crystal bowls as well. It will be an opportunity for personal breakthroughs and transformation. Come prepared to spend some time with our feet outside on the earth with whatever the Colorado weather brings - sun or snow! Working with the essences is all about connecting to our own integration living in human form on this beautiful planet Earth. If time allows and if everyone in the group is up for it, we might even take a field trip into the foothills of beautiful Boulder. Please reserve your retreat weekend as a sacred transformational retreat for yourself. Snacks and tea and included with tuition. Food will be organic and nourishing, and will be custom designed to accommodate any special dietary needs.




Course Requirements: 


Kristina Turco, Certified Teacher of Medicinal Aromatherapy and Licensed Massage Therapist Register: www.handsoftheheart.org/events, [email protected], (720) 256-6708


Kristina Turco

About the Instructor