Come Back to your Senses: with Siddiqa Salter and John Odlum
Class Level:
9am - 11am EST
Join Wisdom of the Earth's most senior teachers Siddiqa Salter and John Odlum for an online essential oil class.
We will be taking a new look at 3 amazing essences that will greatly support your body and mind transitioning from winter to spring. Learn how Carrot Seed, Parsley Seed and Celery Seed are a must-have for this season. Your liver, digestion, blood and heart will thank you!
We will explore the healing benefits of these precious seed essences while establishing a firm connection with how intuition and inner knowing play a significant role in working with essential oils.
If you are not able to join the zoom class live, we will gladly email you a recording of the class to be enjoyed at your leisure.
Cost $55 Additional Information: You will need to purchase all 3 of the essences used in class if you do not already own them.
Course Requirements:
Siddiqa @

Siddiqa Salter