3 Day Level 1 Certification Seminar in Medicinal Aromatherapy (Chadds Ford, PA)
Class Level:
Part 1: ONLINE Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 6–8:30 pm EST
PART 2: IN PERSON Saturday, April 2, 2022, 10 am-8 pm EST
Part 3: IN PERSON Sunday, April 3, 2022, 9 am-5 pm EST
Chadds Ford, PA
Course Cost: $575 Installment Payment is available upon special request. Register BEFORE February 9th, 2022, and receive the early bird discount of $525.
Course Requirements:
https://instituteofloving.com/ 484-542-5547

Siddiqa SalterAbout the Instructor
Hi Friend! I have been with Wisdom of the Earth since the year 2000. As a full-time Aromatherapist and teacher of plant medicine, I take personal pride and joy in sharing the Heart and Soul of Medicinal Aromatherapy with you! For over 2 decades, I have worked with clients using WOTE essences to heal everything from cancer and injury to heartache and spiritual expansion. I have facilitated dozens of certification seminars, essence teachings, aromatherapy meditations, distillation workshops, creative arts and essential oil classes, healing circles, and one-on-one anointing bodywork sessions. If you want to study essential oils with someone who lives, eats and breathes aromatherapy and helped to create the current Level 1 curriculum, then I am a good match for you. During our time together we will travel into the belly of the plant and tree kingdom and experience miraculous alchemy - not only with Mother Earth, the essences, and their profound teachings but with our own personal distillation of intuition, inner knowing, and grace. I have cultivated a very hands-on experiential learning environment that will set you up for attuning to the place inside that speaks the same language as the plants and trees. From this space, you will develop confidence and trust in your own abilities to successfully work with essential oils. By the end of our 3-day class, your mind will be blown open, your heart exploded into the majesty and you will feel inspired to begin (or deepen into) an intimate relationship with essential oils and radiant health and well-being. I look forward to working with you and sending many blessings your way!