Celebrating Our Connection to Nature and Each Other

“Why we need each other”

Greetings from Wisdom of the Earth!

This e-news explores our connection to the plant world, and how important it is to our health, development and happiness. It was inspired by a wonderful presentation I attended this weekend that discussed “Why we need each other” in this interconnected web of life.

I was struck by the fact that most, if not all, of the reasons, reminded me of why we need the natural world (represented prominently in my world, by essential oils)! I wanted to explore that association with you, and offer suggestions for essential oils that help to create and strengthen our connection with the natural world, and importantly, with ourselves and our fellow humans. 

Some of the reasons we need each other…and nature:

1. We learn and express who we are as a human being through our interactions with others.

How many times do we attribute a philosophy we hold, or a behavior we exhibit, to a beloved teacher who inspired us; a treasured family member who influenced us by their own way of being in the world and being with us; an author who opened up a new world through their writing; a public figure who served, whether consciously or unconsciously, as a role model.

One of my heroes is Ricardo Muti, Music Director Emeritus for Life for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. His commitment to artistic purity was what inspired my regard for him…his emphasis on performing a musical score as it was originally written and intended. With his brilliance, he could have made his own artistic interpretation of countless composers’ works. But he believed that the power of the original scores, which reflected the times in which they were written, was what he wished to bring to his audiences.

Muti recently said in an interview “We have only guns and tears. We need music.” Thus, although he is technically retired, he continues to periodically conduct, teach and inspire others.

In addition to the inspiration of human beings, many people have found their life purpose, and/or assuaged pain that life has inflected upon them, through their connection with nature. I remember one author who experienced incredibly horrific childhood abuse found solace, salvation, and later, his calling, through his connection with nature.

Another hero of mine was Stephen Harrod Buhner, who, in The Lost Language of Plants, wrote about how his grandfather’s love and the example he set resulted in his decision to become an herbalist and natural health proponent. There, he shared his respect for plant life on earth and revealed the amazing chemistry, the language, that all plants speak to each other and to homo sapiens. Buhner changed the way I viewed human interaction with plants, and clarified that it is a two-way street, a conversation that affects both parties.

2. We need others, and the natural world, for support and compassion.

They make us stronger when we face the inevitable challenges and devastations in life. When I lost my husband, Leonardo, to a Covid-complicated heart disease in 2020, I will never forget the support and compassion offered by the hospice nurses, who were there for me as much as they were there for Leonardo. I also found great support and solace in the end-of-life collection of essential oils in my Peaceful Journey AromaKit. I had designed it for others, but was so grateful for those essential oils when I was in need of their support and comfort.

3. We need others, and the natural world, to have rich and fulfilling relationships.

While we can have, and should, have a strong, loving relationship with ourself, ties to family, friends, romantic partners, colleagues, etc., take us beyond our personal boundaries to explore, develop, and continue to grow. As much as I love individual experiences, there is something special and magical about sharing an event with someone with whom I have a relationship. That enjoyment becomes more meaningful due to its shared nature. And, the relationship itself is expanded and enriched by the shared experience. Essential oils can deepen the experience, and elevate the sacred nature of it, as shown in the example below.

One of my students in Santa Fe once told me that he and his wife loved our book, Voices of Light, Voices of Love: Messages from the Plants and Trees, in which dozens of our aromatherapy students share their transformative experiences with essential oils. Before going to bed, he and his wife would choose one of the oils in the book, anoint each other with that essential oil, and then read some of the stories about that oil. He said that it was an incredibly sacred and bonding experience for them. That, for me, was a perfect example of the power of sharing within a relationship.

So, this newsletter celebrates “why we need each other”…and extends it beyond the human family to the Plant Kingdom. One of the most powerful uses of essential oils is establishing that connection, deepening that relationship and maintaining it in a holistic, sacred, yet practical way. Yes, aromatherapy is physical medicine…but it is also medicine for the spirit and the soul. From celebration to solace, there are essential oils to enhance your life on all levels of existence.

Here is my “cheat sheet” for essential oils that address some of the concepts discussed above:


For Compassion & Kindness:

For Inspiration:

For Celebration:

For Strength and Courage

For Grief

Love, Audre Gutierrez
Owner, Wisdom of the Earth

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