Aromatherapy Level 1 with Susan Cote

Class Level: 

Level 1 Certification


April 18-April 19, 2025


Friday, April 18 and Saturday 19, 9 am-5 pm


Explore the healing properties of essential oils with this comprehensive course. We will experience over 80 medicinal grade essential oil and learn how to choose and apply them. Designed for beginners and enthusiasts alike, this workshop covers science, safety and application of the essences for holistic wellness. We will learn about their effects on the body, mind and spirit.
Susan will ground participants in a deep understanding of the ancient relationship between humans and the Plant Kingdom. This class honors both the healing properties and the consciousness of the Plant Kingdom. 
Join us as we understand how essential oils are harvested and distilled, as well as how to effectively and safely use them to support our health.
Explore single pure, undiluted essences and find out how to intuitively work with essences based on both inner knowing and intellectual knowledge.
Learn how the Ancient Art of Aromatherapy can deeply enrich your life! 


Fees: The cost of this intimate class is $700. Use Code: 'EARLY' to receive $50 off by 3/15/25

Course Requirements: 


Susan Cote (860)942.0197 [email protected]


Susan Cote

About the Instructor