Essential Oils
Eucalyptus Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus)
Eucalyptus oils (there are many varieties) are globally known for their ability to relieve respiratory issues such as coughs, colds and congestion. Blue Gum is one of the milder Eucalyptus varieties and is great for children and elders. It is wonderful to use in a diffuser to ease nighttime congestion, and to purify and disinfect the air.
Many people do not realize that Eucalyptus is also good for mental clarity and focus. You can apply it at the base of your skull or diffuse it in your office or home.
Eucalyptus Blue Gum has a long history in Australian Aboriginal medicine, and is also a symbol of strength, endurance and purity.
Regular price: 15 ml $23; 120 ml $161
Himalayan Soti (Cymbopogon sp)
Renowned for its ability to support respiratory health...Soti is a "go to" for use in diffusers or the French Inhalation technique. (Click here for my e-news on this technique). It can be applied behind the ears and under the chin for coughs. Himalayan Soti is also highly anti-inflammatory, and can be used for arthritis pain and muscle aches.
Because of its anti-microbial properties, in addition to the anti-inflammatory, people have had success using it for eczema, acne and other persistent skin conditions. Finally, it is soothing to a worried mind, or mental exhaustion.
In folklore, Himalayan Soti is associated with strength, protection and spiritual growth. It is believed to ward off negative energies and promote serenity.
Regular Price: 15 ml $29; 120 ml $203
Lavandin, Super (Lavandula hybrida, Superior Lavandula Burnatii)
Like all Lavenders and Lavandins, Lavendin Super, in general, is known for its calming properties. In particular, this essential oil is one of my "go to" oils for aiding restful sleep, as its aroma and its effect on the body when applied topically, promotes tranquility.
Lavandin, Super is also wonderful for joint pain and stiff muscles (great with Sweet Birch or Wintergreen), and is one of the best aids for burns and bruises.
Lavandins are hybrids of Lavandula officinalis/vera (True Lavender) and Lavandula latifolia (Spike Lavender), originally found in nature, and now also created by horticulturalists.
In ancient times, the Romans were among the first to use lavender flowers in their bathwater, for their soothing and cleansing properties. Today, many lavandins are grown for use in the soap industry to provide a pleasant aroma to the product.
Regular Price: 15 ml $25; 120 ml $175
Linaloe Wood (Bursea delpechiana)
This elegant, earthy, essential oil is extracted from the heartwood of the Bursera delpechiana tree. It is celebrated for its delightfully warm and woody aroma and the many health issues it addresses. Being a heartwood essence, it addresses core issues, emotionally, and also ailments of the core of the body....reproductive, digestive, respiratory.
Linaloe Wood is also known as an emotional aphrodisiac, enhancing mood and desire for intimacy. Similar in aroma and properties to Rosewood, which is a highly protected source of essential oil due to sustainability issues, Linaloe Wood can also help alleviate the pain of grief or remorse, in the latter case, getting to the core issues of the nature of regret. This EO can turn the "if only" or "what if" doubts into a deeper understanding and acceptance of the outcome.
Regular Price: 15 ml $33; 120 ml $231