Salute to Summer! 40% off on Selected Wisdom of the Earth Products!


Hope you are having a wonderful summer!  I realized today that we are almost to the end of August!  Where did the summer go?  I won’t miss the 100+ degree weather, but I will miss the “Summer Vibe”! 

As promised in my recent (July) Birthday Bash promotion announcement, we will be offering periodic promotions to enable people to try new oils or hydrolats that might be exactly what they are looking for (but they just didn’t realize it!) or to stock up on “back to school” needs or products for cold & flu prevention/treatment.  In that vein, this weekend will be our “Salute to Summer!” promotion –  40% off 10 wonderful Wisdom of the Earth products…some familiar favorites, and some that you may not know…let me introduce you!

But before I do…let me provide instructions on participating in this special offer.  The promotional offer on these select items begins Friday, August 23rd, at 12:01 am, PDT and ends Sunday night, August 25th, at midnight, PDT.  You can use the Contact Us feature on our website to reach us over the weekend.

We have programmed the site to reflect 40% off the retail prices included in the product descriptions below.  So when you place an order for any of these 10 products in our Salute to Summer Promotion, the sale price will be applied automatically. The promotion pricing cannot be combined with any other discount you may qualify for, however if you do wish to purchase other regularly priced itemsjust enter your regular discount code, and it will be applied to the non-promotional products.  This is a change from our last promotion, so we hope this will make a combined order much easier to place! 

So…say goodbye to summer, and hello to these beautiful oils and hydrolats in our Salute to Summer Promotion!  Again, that’s Friday, 12:01 am, PDT through Sunday, 12:00 midnight, PDT.  If you experience any problems placing your order, contact me via the website or send me an email at [email protected]  explaining the issue and if we can’t get back to you until Monday, we will still honor the promotional terms.

Much love, Audre

Essential Oils

Eucalyptus Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus)

Eucalyptus oils (there are many varieties) are globally known for their ability to relieve respiratory issues such as coughs, colds and congestion. Blue Gum is one of the milder Eucalyptus varieties and is great for children and elders.  It is wonderful to use in a diffuser to ease nighttime congestion, and to purify and disinfect the air. 

Many people do not realize that Eucalyptus is also good for mental clarity and focus.  You can apply it at the base of your skull or diffuse it in your office or home.  

Eucalyptus Blue Gum has a long history in Australian Aboriginal medicine, and is also a symbol of strength, endurance and purity.

Regular price: 15 ml $23; 120 ml $161

Himalayan Soti (Cymbopogon sp)

Renowned for its ability to support respiratory health…Soti  is a “go to” for use in diffusers or the French Inhalation technique. (Click here for my e-news on this technique).  It can be applied behind the ears and under the chin for coughs. Himalayan Soti is also highly anti-inflammatory, and can be used for arthritis pain and muscle aches.  

Because of its anti-microbial properties, in addition to the anti-inflammatory, people have had success using it for eczema, acne and other persistent skin conditions.  Finally, it is soothing to a worried mind, or mental exhaustion.  

In folklore, Himalayan Soti is associated with strength, protection and spiritual growth.  It is believed to ward off negative energies and promote serenity.

Regular Price: 15 ml $29; 120 ml $203 

Lavandin, Super (Lavandula hybrida, Superior Lavandula Burnatii)

Like all Lavenders and Lavandins, Lavendin Super, in general, is known for its calming properties.  In particular, this essential oil is one of my “go to” oils for aiding restful sleep, as its aroma and its effect on the body when applied topically, promotes tranquility.  

Lavandin, Super is also wonderful for joint pain and stiff muscles (great with Sweet Birch or Wintergreen), and is one of the best aids for burns and bruises.  

Lavandins are hybrids of Lavandula officinalis/vera (True Lavender) and Lavandula latifolia (Spike Lavender), originally found in nature, and now also created by horticulturalists. 

In ancient times, the Romans were among the first to use lavender flowers in their bathwater, for their soothing and cleansing properties. Today, many lavandins are grown for use in the soap industry to provide a pleasant aroma to the product.  

Regular Price: 15 ml $25; 120 ml $175

Linaloe Wood (Bursea delpechiana)  

This elegant, earthy, essential oil is extracted from the heartwood of the Bursera delpechiana tree.  It is celebrated for its delightfully warm and woody aroma and the many health issues it addresses.  Being a heartwood essence, it addresses core issues, emotionally, and also ailments of the core of the body….reproductive, digestive, respiratory.  

Linaloe Wood is also known as an emotional aphrodisiac, enhancing mood and desire for intimacy.  Similar in aroma and properties to Rosewood, which is a highly protected source of essential oil due to sustainability issues, Linaloe Wood can also help alleviate the pain of grief or remorse, in the latter case, getting to the core issues of the nature of regret.  This EO can turn the “if only” or “what if” doubts into a deeper understanding and acceptance of the outcome.  

Regular Price: 15 ml $33; 120 ml $231

Patchouli (Pogostamon cablin)

Let’s peek behind the mystique of Patchouli Essential Oil.  One of its most celebrated properties is its effectiveness as a detoxifier of heavy metals.  It is also a powerful tissue regenerator, and its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic effects make it an excellent choice for skin care, either singly, on included in the ingredients of artisan soaps or skin care creams.  

Patchouli also helps to fight infections and boost the immune system generally.  An often overlooked benefit of Patchouli is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.  Some praise its aphrodisiac effects, enhancing mood via a sensual and earthy aroma.

Please keep in mind that the Patchouli that many of us experienced in the 60s and 70s…a powerful symbol of the counterculture movement…bears little resemblance to our beautiful, pure, medicinal-grade oil.  So many people who cringe at the mention of Patchouli fall in love with our beautiful offering.  She is not your mother’s Patchouli!

Regular Price:  15 ml $34; 120 ml $238

Rosemary, High Camphor (Rosemarinus officinalis)

“Rosemary for remembrance”…Shakespeare introduced this perspective on this beautiful herb/essential oil, which takes on new importance today.  Rosemary is very effective at supporting memory….both short and long term.  I love to use it in conjunction with Frankincense, and personally have experienced their effectiveness at rejuvenating a memory that was starting to be undependable.  After several weeks of use (top of the head; base of the neck) concerns I had about my recall were completely resolved.  And this was when I was in my 50s!  

Rosemary is also recommended tor promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss…many natural shampoos include this oil as a primary ingredient.  It helps improve scalp circulation, which can lead to healthier, thicker hair.  The substantial  percentage of camphor in this particular oil enhances its ability to clear respiratory congestion and easing symptoms of colds and flu. It is wonderful to use behind the ears and down to the base of the neck, along with other effective respiratory oils like Eucalyptus and Ravensara.  

Ancient civilizations knew the value of Rosemary for both its medicinal and culinary uses.  In medieval Europe, Rosemary was a symbol of fidelity and was often used in weddings and other celebrations of love.

Regular Price:  15 ml $28; 120 ml $196

Wintergreen (Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall)

This oil is a “must have” in your wellness routine due to her powerful analgesic properties.  Excellent in massage for joint and muscle pain, Wintergreen acts much like aspirin due to the abundance of methyl salicylate in her chemical make up.  Simply inhaling Wintergreen’s refreshing aroma can provide quick relief for tension headaches and migraines.  You can also put a drop or two on your temples, or at the base of your skull.  

This oil’s anti-inflammatory properties aid arthritis and rheumatism and the expectorant properties support respiratory issues like colds, congestion and bronchitis.  

Interestingly, Wintergreen enjoyed a resurgence of popularity a number of years ago when the availability of Birch essential oil became problematic, as they share many similar medicinal properties, and similar aromas due to the methyl salicylate they both contain.  This increase in popularity is also true of Linaloe Wood, which, because of similarities, became much more sought-after when Rosewood was unavailable for a number of years because of sustainability issues and the need to begin to control the over harvesting of that precious wood.  So these two oils became known as “stand-ins” for those two oils (Birch and Rosewood) due to lack of supply.  This should not taint their own wonderful properties…in fact…we are grateful that they are readily available, and more economical, than their beautiful, but scarce, counterparts.  

Regular Price:  15 ml $29; 120 ml $203

Nut & Seed Oils

Maqui Berry (Aristotelia Chilensis)

Extracted from the seeds of the Maqui Berry, this oil is a potent elixir packed with health benefits and steeped in rich historical significance.  The vibrant purple berries, native to the pristine regions of Southern Chile, have become known as a true “superfood” for your skin and overall well-being.  

Rich in antioxidants, which protect the skin from environmental damage and the effects of aging, Maqui Berry was revered by the Mapuche Indians for imbuing them with resilience and endurance.  The anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritated skin and help to manage conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.  This oil is perfect for dry and sensitive skin types.  It also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits, so it is helpful for boosting the immune system.  I like to put a teaspoon of Maqui Berry oil in my smoothies for general health support.

Please Note:  Nut and Seed oils do not have as long a shelf-life as essential oils, so please store away from extreme heat or cold.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $68; 500 ml $250


Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum)
More than just a fragrant mist, Sandalwood Hydrolat carries with it centuries of tradition, healing properties and a touch of the exotic!  This beauty is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a perfect choice for sensitive skin types.  Its anti-oxidants combat free radicals, a key cause of premature aging.  

Sandalwood hydrolat’s anti-infectious properties make it an excellent choice for cleansing wounds and preventing infections.  

In ancient times, the Egyptian royalty and spiritual leaders used Sandalwood for end of life rituals, and, due to its preservative qualities, it was used in the preparation of the body for burial, as well.  Many other civilizations have also  acknowledged the significance of Sandalwood in their spiritual and healing practices, including the Chinese and the Tibetans.

Regular Price: 120 ml (4 oz) $33; 500ml $130


Fir, Fraiser (Abies fraseri)

A spray of Fir, Fraiser Hydrolat evokes the healing power of the forest,  This unique Fir alleviates respiratory issues and protects the body from infections and illnesses. 

A very gentle but powerful fir,  about 5 mls of the hydrolat in a cup of water would be excellent to diffuse in the fall and winter seasons.   Let this special beauty help you prepare for the cold and flu season, and offer the traditional scents of the holiday, as well.  

Regular Price: 120 mls (4oz): $33; 500ml $130

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